The Standing Committee recommend the election to Honorary Membership of Robert Stockton Green, Governor of New Jersey and John McAllister Schofield, Major General in the service of the United States, commanding the Department of the Atlantic. They were elected and admitted.
The Standing Committee report that the present market value of the assets of the Society is $18,537.73, Par value $17,000, as shown by the annual report of the Trustees. That they have examined the accounts of the past year as rendered by the Treasurer and find the same correct; there is shown to be in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $703.82, after allowing $634.53 for sundry expenses during the past year as per accounts audited.
Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $100 be appropriated for donations and that it be divided pro rata among the following persons:
Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Mrs. Catharine Dunham, Miss Lloyd, and Miss Julia Pennington. Recommendations adopted.
The meeting having been called to order, was opened by prayer by Chaplain, the Rev. Saml. Moore Shute. The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and confirmed.
On motion, it was unanimously resolved, that By-Laws No. 3, directing the order of business, be suspended for this meeting, and that the report of the Standing Committee be first considered.
On motion, it was resolved, that the thanks of the Society be tendered to the South Carolina State Society, of the Cincinnati, for the pamphlet, prepared by the late General Wilmot G. De Saussure, entitled “The Names of the Officers who served in the South Carolina Regiments in the Continental Army, etc.,” and that the same be deposited among our archives.
Mr. Frederick Wolcott Jackson called the attention of the Society to the recent death of Mrs. Julia Kane Fish, daughter of the late Peter Kane, of Essex County, New Jersey, and wife to the Hon. Hamilton Fish, President General of the Cincinnati.
It was on motion, of the Rev. Dr. Shute, Resolved: That the General Society of the Cincinnati, at its approaching meeting be requested to order the printing of 600 circulars, immediately after each triennal meeting, containing the names of the officers of each State Society with those of the hereditary and honorary members of the same, and to distribute to the several Societies through their Presidents, these circulars in proportion to the number of members of each Society, the expense of publishing said circulars to be paid out of the funds of the General Society.
On motion, it was resolved, that the meeting of the Society on 4th July, 1888, should be held at University Hall, Princeton, N. J.