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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Mr. William Lloyd, Mr. John Clarke Sims, Admiral Charles Henry Baldwin, Mr. William W. Ballard. Mr. Henry S. Harris, Mr. Wessel T. B. S. Imlay, General William S. Stryker.

Delegates to the General Society

Hon. Clifford Stanley Sims, Mr. William Bowen Buck, Mr. Francis Barber Ogden, Rev. Samuel Moore Shute, D.D., Mr. William Chetwood Spencer.


Hon. John Thompson Nixon, Mr. John Clarke Sims, Hon. John Lambert Cadwalader, General William Scudder Stryker, Hon. Joseph Dorset Bedle.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee have received the following application for admission to Hereditary Membership which they recommend to the Society.

Walter Yeatman Sedam, grandson of Cornelius Riker Sedam, an original member. He was admitted.

Under the provisions of Rule No. 2; Frederick Wolcott Jackson as representative of Capt. Joshua Huntington, an officer of the Conn. Continental Line.

Franklin Davenport Howell as representative of Surgeon Louis Howell of the N. J. Line.

Flavel McGee as representative of Lieut. Joseph Clark, of the New Jersey Line.

William Scudder Stryker as representative of Captain John Stryker.

Algernon Sidney Mountain Morgan, great grandson and representative of Col. George Morgan of the Continental Line.

Anthony Eugene Stocker, grandson and representative of Col. Anne Louis de Tousard.

On motion it was resolved in the case of Dr. Stocker, that Dr. Stocker be admitted to membership in the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey in the right of his grandfather Col. Anne Louis de Tousard and that by reason only of the said ancestor having paid the original one month’s pay to the Society in France, the amount to be paid by the said Dr. Anthony E. Stocker to this Society shall be the sum of $200.

Subject to the provisions of Rule No. 2.

William Miller Esté, grandson and representative of Capt. Moses Esté. In each case was the rule suspended and they were admitted subject to their compliance with the rule.

Honorary Members

The Standing Committee recommend the election to Honorary Membership of the Rev. Doctor Francis L. Patton, President of the College of New Jersey; the Honorable Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, of Trenton, and Bvt. Maj. Gen. William Joyce Sewell, late U. S. Volunteers. Rules being suspended all the above named were admitted.


The Standing Committee report that the present par value of the assets of the Society is $17,364.45, making at market value the sum of $18,134.45, as shown by the annual report of the Trustees. That they have examined the accounts for the past year as rendered by the Treasurer and find the same correct; there is shown thereby to be in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $833.99, after allowing $799.63 for sundry expenses during the past year as per accounts audited.


Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $80 be appropriated for donations and that it be divided pro rata among the following persons:

Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Mrs. Catharine Dunham and Miss Julia Pennington. Recommendations adopted.


The meeting was called to order by the President.

The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

The Standing Committee announce that death has during the year past removed from our number: the Hon. John Fitch, Brevet Major General Lewis Perrine, Hon. John Thompson Nixon, and the Hon. Edward Nicoll Dickerson.

The Society then took recess, and entertained at dinner a number of their fellow citizens, David S. Crater, Surrogate of Monmouth County; Major Franklin C. Woolman, Secretary Board of Proprietors, and others.

After the usual patriotic toasts suitably responded to, the Hon. Henry S. Harris, on behalf of the artist, Mr. Frost Johnson, of New York, presented to the Society an oil portrait of the Secretary.

The President, in his closing remarks, congratulated the Society on its relative strength with that of other sister States, and wishing the members God speed, formally announced adjournment until 4th July, 1889.