Mission Statement
The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, founded by officers of the New Jersey Continental Line at Elizabeth Town, New Jersey on June 11, 1783, is one of 14 constituent societies of the General Society of the Cincinnati headquartered in Washington, DC.
It is a perpetual body composed of lineal descendants and other representatives of the founding officers (and certain other Line officers and honorary members) and exists for the following immutable principles:
- To perpetuate among the descendants of said officers the cordial affection that existed among the founders.
- To promote and cherish among the respective states that union and national honor so essential to their happiness and future dignity.
- To preserve inviolate those exalted rights and liberties of human nature for which the founders fought and bled and without which the high rank of a rational being is a curse instead of a blessing.
- To conduct and support educational, cultural and literary activities that promote the memory of the American Revolution and the ideals of liberty and constitutional government.