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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Mr. William Lloyd, Mr. Francis Barber, Mr. Robert M. Boggs, Mr. John Clarke Sims, Hon. John Fitch, Rear Admiral Charles H. Baldwin, Mr. William Wilmot Ballard.

Delegates to the General Society

Hon. Clifford Stanley Sims, Mr. William Bowen Buck, Mr. Fras. Barber Ogden, Hon. John T. Nixon, Hon. John Fitch.


Rear-Admiral Charles Henry Baldwin, Mr. John Clarke Sims, Hon. John Lambert Cadwalader, General William Scudder Stryker, Hon. Joseph Dorset Bedle.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee have received the following applications for admission to Hereditary Membership, which they recommend to the Society.

John La Farge Bonnell, grandson of Capt. James Bonnell; Edward Nicholl Dickerson, grandson of Captain John Stotesbury, an original member of the Pennsylvania Society transferred to New Jersey in 1793. Francis Barber Howell, son of Captain John Howell; Lewis Boudinot Hunter, Medical Director, U.S.N., son of Chaplain Andrew Hunter; David Beatty Idell, great great grandson of Major John Beatty; James Grant Reed, great grandson of Ensign John Reed. James Davies Shute, grandson of Bvt. Capt. Wm. Shute. They were admitted.

And under the provisions of Rule No. 2; James Mortimer Montgomery, great great grandson of Colonel William Malcolm; Henry Shreve, grandson of Lieut. John Shreve, an original member who failed to deposit one month’s pay. Rules suspended. He was admitted.

Honorary Members

The Standing Committee recommend the election to Honorary Membership of General Lewis Perrine, Quartermaster General of New Jersey. Rules suspended and he was admitted.


The Standing Committee report that the present market value of the assets of the Society is $17,983.50, as shown by the annual report of the Trustees. They have examined the accounts of the past year as rendered by the Treasurer and find the same correct, by this there is shown to be in his hands the sum of $754.82, after allowing during the year $663.15 for sundry expenses as per accounts audited.


Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $100 be appropriated for donations for the current year, and that it be divided pro rata among the following persons: Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Sally Dayton, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Julia A. Pennington, and Miss Eleanor Lloyd. Recommendations adopted.


The meeting having been called to order was opened by prayer by Chaplain, the Reverend Saml. Moore Shute. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The President, in a verbal report, stated that since the last meeting of the Society he had written three hundred and seventy-two letters in relation to its affairs, and had received about the same number. He announced to the Society the death of General Wilmot G. De Saussure, President of the South Carolina State Society of the Cincinnati.

On motion of Mr. Ogden, it was unanimously resolved, that as in the death of their President, General Wilmot G. De Saussure, our brethren of the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of South Carolina, have lost one of their most prominent members, a lover of the Cincinnati and its traditions, a distinguished citizen of his State and Country, and a courteous gentleman highly esteemed by all who knew him. We, the Cincinnati of New Jersey, in annual meeting assembled, do respectfully and cordially tender to them the assurance of our fraternal sympathy and of our participation in the sorrow at the bereavement which has befallen them.

The Secretary made a verbal report regarding the communications made and received by him since the last meeting, and stated that while the Society of the Cincinnati had been invited to assist at the obsequies of General U. S. Grant, the accommodation afforded being so limited, two or three would be the full representation of the New Jersey State Society, under which circumstances, Dr. Herman Burgin, Treasurer, and Mr. William C. Spencer, Assistant Secretary, acted as representatives of this Society.

The President calling the attention of the Society to the proposed new edition of the Red Book, it was on motion. Resolved: That the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer be a Committee to prepare a roll of the original, hereditary and honorary members, and other matters of interest to the Society, and to provide by the obtaining of subscriptions or otherwise for the printing of the same in book form.

On motion of the Vice-President, it was unanimously Resolved: That the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, desire to express to the Honorable Wm. H. Forman, Chief Commissioner, Theodore W. Morris, Esqr.. President of the Battle Monument Association, Capt. John Buck and the members of his command, together with the citizens of Freehold generally, their high appreciation of the very courteous reception which they have received this day. In commemorating as the Cincinnati does, the heroic deeds of those who achieved our Independence, such attentions are proofs that the same spirit still animates our fellow citizens, and that the coming generation will be taught to appreciate and maintain that liberty which it was the honor of our ancestors to have gained by the sword.