Mr. William Lloyd, Mr. Francis Barber, Mr. Robert M. Boggs, Mr. John Clarke Sims, Hon. John Fitch, Rear Admiral Charles H. Baldwin, Mr. William Wilmot Ballard.
Hon. Clifford Stanley Sims, Mr. William Bowen Buck, Mr. Fras. Barber Ogden, Hon. John T. Nixon, Hon. John Fitch.
Rear-Admiral Charles Henry Baldwin, Mr. John Clarke Sims, Hon. John Lambert Cadwalader, General William Scudder Stryker, Hon. Joseph Dorset Bedle.
The Standing Committee have received the following applications for admission to Hereditary Membership, which they recommend to the Society:
James Wall Schureman Campbell, great grandnephew of Surgeon Geo. Campbell; Charles Henry Campfield, great grandson of Surgeon Jabez Campfield; Charles Brearley Hopkins, great grandson of Lieut. Col. David Brearley; Bvt. Major General David Hunter, U.S.A., son of Chaplain Andrew Hunter; George Tibbits Lane, grandson of Captain Derick Lane; Hon. Charles Smith Scott, grandson of Surgeon Moses Scott; Hon. Horatio Seymour, grandson of Lieut. Col. Jonathan Forman; Theodore Shute, son of Capt. William Shute; David Provoost Thomas, grandnephew of Bvt. Capt. Edmund Disney Thomas; Thomas Whitlock, grandson of Bvt. Capt. Ephraim Whitlock; Sidney Augustus Stevens, great grandson of Major John Burrowes. They were admitted.
Subject to the conditions of Rule 2, regulating the admission of members; Hon. John Lambert Cadwalader, grandson of Col. Lambert Cadwalader. Rules suspended. He was admitted. William Henry Elmer, grandson of Surgeon’s Mate, Moses Gale Elmer. Rules suspended. He was admitted.
The names of Hon. Theo. Runyon, Mr. William Winans Thomas and Frederick Wolcott Jackson were presented for election as Honorary Members of this Society. The rules were suspended and they were admitted.
The Standing Committee respectfully report, that the present market value of the permanent fund of the Society consists of $16,821.49 also $72.50, belonging to the income account. They have examined the accounts of the past year as rendered by the Treasurer and find the same correct, by this there is shown to be in his hands the sum of $797.72, after allowing the following disbursements made during the year.
Donations | $120.00 |
Mileage | 45.00 |
Annual Meeting | 322.47 |
Secretary’s Expenses (postage, stationery, etc.) | 48.50 |
President’s Expenses (postage, stationery and ribbon purchased for the Society) | 59.83 |
Committee expenses | 6.00 |
Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $120 be appropriated for donations and that it be divided pro rata among the following persons:
Miss Lloyd, Miss Sally Dayton, Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Julia A. Pennington, and Mrs. Catharine Dunham. Recommendations adopted.
The meeting having been called to order, was opened by prayer by Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Saml. Moore Shute. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The President then read the following report:
Princeton, N. J., July 4, 1885.
The President has to report that since the last meeting of the Society he has written four hundred and eighteen letters in relation to its affairs, and has received about the same number.
It is proper to call attention to the fact that the Society were invited to participate in the celebration attending the unveiling of the monument on the battlefield of Monmouth, near Freehold, on 13th November last, and that eleven members were present, besides several from the New York and Rhode Island State Societies.
The Governor of the State officially invited the Society to attend the public funeral of the late Major General Gershom Mott, at Trenton, on 3d December last. The brief time available only permitted a notification of this invitation to twenty-four members, of whom nine attended and were accorded the position of honor at the ceremonies attending the burial.
It is important that steps should be taken to obtain and preserve, as far as possible, correct and complete information concerning the families and descendants of the original members, and it is suggested that the several members communicate, without delay, such family records as may be in their possession: when received they should be properly recorded in a volume suitable for the purpose, and arranged by index and otherwise for easy reference in future cases of applications for admission to membership; the necessary expense attendant thereto will be small, and unless otherwise directed, the President will, in conjunction with the Secretary, have the work thus indicated properly executed as far as practicable.
In connection with the foregoing, it is important that all available information which can be obtained from the several Departments of the Government at Washington, and more especially from the Pension Office, in relation to the original members, should be had, and the President, unless the Society otherwise direct, will endeavor to procure such information; the expense of such an undertaking will be trifling.
The Hon. William A. Courteney, of Charleston, S. C, has presented to the Society, one of the editions of the correspondence of Lord Montague with General Moultrie, 1781; the President has suitably acknowledged its receipt, but it is proper that some action should be taken by the Society in reference thereto.
The Secretary made a verbal report regarding the communications received and made by him since the last meeting.
On motion, the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, that the Secretary be directed to convey to the Hon. William A. Courteney, of Charleston, S. C, the thanks of the Society for his courtesy in presenting to it a copy of the reprint of the correspondence of Lord Montague with General Moultrie, 1781.
The Standing Committee announce that death has taken from us Judge Joseph Griffiths Scott, Mr. Isaac Carroll Thomas, Major-General Gershon Mott, and Rear-Admiral George Foster Amnions; also the death of Major William S. Popham, Vice-President New York State Society, and Hon. Simon Henry Greene, Vice-President of Rhode Island State Society.