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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Colonel Alexander M. Cumming, Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims, William Lloyd, Francis Barber, W. C. DeHart, Robert M. Boggs, Herman Burgin.

Delegates to the General Society

Judge L. Q. C. Elmer, Colonel Alex. M. Cumming, Judge John T. Nixon, Colonel C. S. Sims and Rev. Charles C. Beatty, D.D.


Francis B. Ogden, Judge Joseph G. Scott.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee have received the following applications for admission to the Society and recommend their admission.

John H. Piatt, great grandson of Capt. Jacob Piatt, an original member.

John B. Piatt, grandson of Capt. William Piatt, an original member.

Ogden Armstrong, great grandson of Chaplain James Francis Armstrong, an original member.

William W. Ballard, nephew of Capt. Jeremiah Ballard, an original member.

They have also received an application from John Fitch, great grandson of Capt. Andrew Fitch, of the Fourth Connecticut, Continental Line, who applies for admission under Rule (No. 2), and they recommend his admission, subject to the payment of the sum of $250.

Messrs. John H. Piatt, John B. Piatt, Ogden Armstrong and William W. Ballard, were elected members of the Society, and on motion that portion of Rule (No. 5), requiring those applying under the provisions of the Second Rule, to be proposed at an annual meeting previous to that at which they are to be balloted for, being suspended. Mr. John Fitch was elected a member of the Society.

Honorary Members

The rule regarding the election of Honorary Members being on motion suspended, General William S. Stryker, Adjutant General of New Jersey was unanimously elected an Honorary Member of this Society.

On Motion the Secretary was ordered to notify all Honorary Members who have been absent two or more years of the rule adopted, July 4, 1860.


The Standing Committee report, that the present permanent fund of the Society is composed of $14,000 U. S. Bonds.

That they have examined the accounts for the past year, as rendered by Messrs. Wm. B. Buck and Wm. B. Dayton, late and present Treasurers and find the same correct.

By this there is shown to be in the hands of the present Treasurer, the sum of $1,085.39 after allowing the following several disbursements made during the year, viz:

Paid by Secretary for Stationery, etc $10.50
Attendance fees 23 members 230.00
Donations 325.00
Expenses for Delegates to General Society 89.00
Dinner Bill for 1875 328.00
Philadelphia Safe Deposit Co. 72, 73 and 75 28.50

It being proposed that investments under the rule be left to the Treasurer, it was on motion Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed to invest the cash funds of the Society whenever he has a surplus leaving a reasonable margin in the Treasury.


Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $25 be appropriated to each of the following persons:

Miss Mary Cumming, Miss Eliza J. Reckless, Miss Mary A. Shute, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Lott, Mrs. C. A. Dunham, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Allen, Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Sallie Dayton, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Mary Thomas, Mrs. Alice DeHart Ogden, the Misses Eleanor and Susan Lloyd, and Miss Julia Pennington. Recommendation adopted.

The application of Mrs. Rebecca T. Buck being received after the report of the Standing Committee had been acted upon, on motion it was unanimously resolved, that her name be added to the list and the Treasurer instructed accordingly.


The meeting having been suitably opened with prayer by Chaplain, the Rev. Doctor Luther Halsey, at the request of the President, Col. Sims read the Institution of the Society.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The President (Judge Elmer) as Chairman of the Committee to ascertain the feasibility of meeting at Philadelphia during the Centennial, presented the following report of the Sub-Committee of the State Societies of the Cincinnati.

Philadelphia, June 1st, 1876.
The Sub-Committee upon the subject of a Centennial Re-union of the Cincinnati respectfully recommend that such a re-union be held in the City of Philadelphia on the days of the 18th and 19th of October, 1876, and that the members attending “rendezvous” at Augustine’s, No. 1105 Walnut Street, at 10 A.M., on October 18th, and that a meeting of the members be held in the evening of that day; and that the Re-union conclude with a dinner on October 19th; that the re-union be informal and social, and that the method of arranging for the expenses of members in attendance be determined at the stated annual meetings of the State Societies, July 4th, 1876; that the Centennial Committee of each State Society shall arrange for the payment of the expenses of the number communicated, and that the estimated cost of the dinner is from $8 to $10 per each person in attendance.

James L. Harmar, Secretary.

which report being accepted on motion it was

Resolved, that this Society agree to the proposition to have a reunion of the members of the several Societies of Cincinnati, at Philadelphia, on the 18th and 19th days of October next, and that the Secretary be directed to ascertain from each of the members of this Society whether he will be likely to attend said reunion, at his own expense, and communicate the result to James L. Harmar, Esqr., Secretary of the Pennsylvania Society, as early as the first of October next.

On motion the Secretary was ordered to notify all Honorary members who have been absent two or more years, of the rule adopted July 4th, 1860.

Mr. Ogden presented to the Society a copy of the Sharpless miniature of Washington now in the possession of Mr. Walton White Evans of the New York Society.

The President congratulated the Society that during the year past none of our members had been called away from us by death, being the first time in seven years that we had not been called upon to mourn the loss of one or more of our brethren.