Col. Alexander M. Cumming, Wm. Lloyd, Robt. M. Boggs, Herman Burgin, Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims, Francis Barber, Edward R. Pennington.
Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, Rev. Charles C. Beatty, D.D., Judge John T. Nixon, Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims, Francis Barber Ogden.
William B. Buck, Hon. John Fitch, Herman Burgin..
The Standing Committee would submit for the consideration of the Society, that as the present reading of Rule No. 2 as adopted at the meeting of 1872, permits of any descendant or collateral of any of the officers in any of the thirteen original States to make application for admission into the New Jersey State Society, subject to the payment of $250, and that if his ancestor, or the party from whom he derives his claim, be an officer of good standing and he, the applicant, be a man of moral worth, it is difficult and invidious to deny him admission. They would, therefore, recommend in view of more properly restricting such applications, the substitution of the following for Rule 2, as it now stands, namely that the Rule shall read:
Hereafter all officers of the army or navy of the Revolution whose records are unsullied, shall be entitled to representation in this State Society but such representation shall be upon the following conditions: Each applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his good character and moral worth, and shall pay into the Treasury of the Society the sum of $250 if his claim be based upon his representation of an officer of the New Jersey line and $500 if his claim be based upon his representation of an officer of any other line.
The amendment to Rule No. 2 regulating the admission of members was passed unanimously.
They also would recommend the passage of the following rule.
That hereafter the President be empowered to invite to dine with the Society not exceeding three persons and the Standing Committee not exceeding six persons, the said invitations, nine in all, to be issued through the Secretary in the name of the Society. Recommendation adopted.
The Standing Committee have received the following applications for admission to the Society.
Commodore Charles H. Baldwin, U.S.N., surviving grandson to Capt. Daniel Baldwin, an original member. He was admitted.
Timothy Matlack Cheesman, M.D., grandnephew of Capt. Jacob Cheesman, of New York, who was killed simultaneously with General Montgomery at the storming of Quebec. Dr. Cheesman applies for admission under Rule (No. 2), regulating the admission of members. His admission is recommended.
Timothy Matlack Cheesman, M. D., was elected subject to compliance with the provisions of Rule (No. 2), Rule (No. 5), being by unanimous consent suspended.
The Standing Committee report that the present permanent fund of the Society is composed of $14,500. That they have examined the accounts for the past year as rendered by Wm. B. Dayton, Treasurer and find the same correct. By this there is shown to be in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $1,152.45 after allowing the following several disbursements made during the year, viz:
By Bill W. B. D. Secy, Expressage and P. O. S. | $3.50 |
1 Copper Counter plate | 1.00 |
Printing Rules and Certificates | 8.25 |
Printing and Binding 100 Copies Red Book | 135.00 |
Stationery and Postage Secy. Bill | 4.00 |
Attendance fees 25 members | 250.00 |
14 Donations at $25 | 350.00 |
Secretary’s Bill | 11.78 |
Dinners 35 | 365.10 |
Fees to Waiters | 7.00 |
Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed in the future to pay mileage only to such members as shall answer to their names at Roll Call.
An allowance of $10 was then appropriated to John Clarke Sims, Jr., in payment of his mileage for the year 1876.
Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $25 be appropriated to the following persons:
Mrs. E. W. Lott, Julia A. Pennington, Mary Gumming, R. T. Buck, Elizabeth Allen, Elizabeth J. Reckless, Ellen and Susan Lloyd, Mary DeHart, Sally Dayton, Mary Shute, Elizabeth Barber, Mary Thomas, Mrs. Alice Ogden and Mrs. C. A. Dunham. Recommendations adopted.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
By request of the President, Col. Sims read the Institution of the Society.
The President congratulated the Society that during the year past none of our members had been called away from us by death, being the second year that we have not been called upon to mourn the loss of one or more of our brethren.
The President reported that, as had been proposed, a Centennial Re-union of the Cincinnati had been held in the City of Philadelphia on the 18th and 19th of October last, that the members of the different State Societies met and exchanged fraternal greetings, and that all were much indebted to the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Pennsylvania for their courteous treatment.
The following resolution was then unanimously passed:
It is on motion Ordered, that the thanks of this Society be proffered to their Brethren of the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of Pennsylvania, for the courtesy and hospitality extended to them during the Centennial re-union, held in the City of Philadelphia, and that the Secretary be hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the aforesaid Society.
The Secretary reported that the day after the last annual meeting he received the following telegram from the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of South Carolina:
Charleston, S. C, July 4th, 1876.
The Cincinnati of South Carolina offer their congratulations on the Centennial of the Declaration of Independence. The principles of that great political bill of rights are necessarily dear to all whose ancestors died in declaring and establishing it.
James Simons, Jr., Secretary.
The following resolution was then unanimously passed:
It is on motion, Ordered, that the Secretary express our thanks to our brothers of the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of South Carolina, for their telegram of July 4th of last year, which unfortunately was received after our session on that day had terminated. That this Society cordially reciprocate the patriotic and brotherly sentiments therein contained, and that the same be spread upon our minutes as a lasting record of our mutual good will. Esto Perpetua.
Resolved, that the Standing Committee be requested to consider and report at the next annual meeting upon the expediency of reducing the amount now paid as mileage to members attending each annual meeting.
Resolved, that the Secretary is hereby authorized to accept as a present to the Society, a die of the order of the Society, if one should be presented to him. And that he may cause to be made from said die, orders for members of the Society of the Cincinnati, at the expense of those entitled to receive them, but in no case at any expense to this Society.
On motion it was Resolved, that the Treasurer be instructed in the future to pay mileage only to such members as shall answer to their names at Roll Call.
An allowance of Ten Dollars was then appropriated to John Clarke Sims, Jr., in payment of his mileage for the year 1876.