Colonel Alexander M. Cumming, Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims, William Lloyd, Francis Barber, W. C. DeHart, Robert M. Boggs, Herman Burgin.
Judge L. Q. C. Elmer, Colonel Alex. M. Cumming, Judge John T. Nixon, Colonel C. S. Sims and Rev. Charles C. Beatty, D.D.
Francis B. Ogden, Judge Joseph G. Scott.
Your Committee report that John Clarke Sims, Jr., great great grandson of Alexander Ross, M.D., a surgeon in the New Jersey line, who died before the close of the war, was in the year 1868, elected a member of this Society, subject to the Rule (No. 2) for admission of members, and has duly qualified by the payment of $250. He was admitted.
Your Committee have received an application for admission to the Society from William R. Bloomfield, son of Joseph Ellis Bloomfield, and representative of General Joseph Bloomfield, an original member and recommend his admission. He was admitted.
An application for membership from Mr. Ogden Armstrong was presented to the Society, and was referred to the Standing Committee.
Col. William E. Potter, an Honorary Member, salutes the Society and regrets that official business prevents his meeting with the Society this year.
The Standing Committee report, that they have examined the Securities amounting to $14,000, the present fund of the Society, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer.
They have also examined the Treasurer’s annual account as rendered and find the same correct. By this there is shown to be in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $1,513.02 after allowing the following several disbursements made during the year, viz:
Crape and ribbon | $3.00 |
Donations | 300.00 |
Dinner | 343.50 |
Attendance Fees | 210.00 |
Printing | 14.34 |
Assessment to General Society | 20.00 |
Safe Deposit Company | 10.00 |
N. J. State Bond Invested by order of the Society | 525.00 |
United States Bonds | 15,892.50 |
$17,317.34 |
It was ordered that the Treasurer deposit all monies of the Society not invested in Bonds or other securities in some bank to be approved by the President to the credit of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New Jersey subject to the draft of the Treasurer for the time being or, in case of his death or absence of the Assistant Treasurer.
Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $25 be appropriated to each of the following persons:
Mrs. R. T. Buck. Mrs. E. W. Lott, Misses Lloyd, Miss Sallie Dayton, Miss Mary Thomas. Miss Mary Cumming, Mrs. C. A. Dunham, Miss J. A. Pennington, Mrs. E. F. Allen, Miss Mary DeHart,, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Mrs. Alice Ogden, Miss Eliza J. Reckless. Recommendations adopted.
The meeting having been suitably opened with prayer by Chaplain, the Revd. Luther Halsey, D.D., the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
By direction of the President, the Asst. Secy., then read the Institution of the Society.
The Asst. Secretary reported to the Society the death of Mr. Joseph E. Bloomfield, a member of this Society, who departed this life on the 27th of June 1872, at Oswego, New York, in the 84th year of his age.
Also that the Hon. John L. Cadwalader acknowledges receipt of the Resolutions passed in reference to the death of his father, the late General Cadwalader and accepts with thanks the election as Honorary Member.
The Standing Committee would respectfully report that at a Special meeting of their body held on the 11th day of December last. Present, Messrs. Cumming, Sims, Lloyd, Barber, Boggs, and Fras. B. Ogden. The following petition to the Congress of the United States was on motion of Mr. Sims seconded by Mr. Boggs, unanimously adopted, which petition on motion of the same gentleman, was ordered to be printed and copies forwarded to each member, with the request for them to use their influence with the Senators and Representatives of their acquaintance to secure the passage of the bill therein referred to.
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled.
The petition of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, respectfully declareth:
That the Society of the Cincinnati is an organization founded by the officers of the Revolutionary Army at the close of the War of Independence. Its objects are in the words of its “Institution” to render permanent the cordial affection subsisting among the officers. This spirit will dictate brotherly kindness in all things, and particularly extend to the most substantial acts of beneficence, according to the ability of the Society towards those officers and their families, who unfortunately may be under the necessity of receiving it. That at the organization of the Society each officer subscribed a month’s pay towards constituting the fund of the Society; which fund has been carefully guarded ; and out of the interest thereof, small pensions are annually paid to deserving and needy descendants of said officers. That the said Society has now on its beneficiary list, many descendants of Revolutionary officers who are in needy circumstances, and that regarding the present proposed bill, entitled “A Bill to provide for the settlement of the claims of the officers of the Revolutionary Army and of the widows and children of those who died in service” as one in every way just and a moral obligation on the Government, we would respectfully solicit your favorable consideration of the same and its passage as a law.
On motion of Dr. Beatty and Col. Cumming the President appointed Judge Nixon, Col. Sims, and Mr. Burgin a Committee to draft suitable resolutions of respect to the memory of our deceased brother, Joseph Ellis Bloomfield.
On motion the rule regarding pensions was suspended, but after discussion no action was taken by the Society.
On motion Judge Elmer, Judge Nixon, and Mr. McDowell were appointed a Committee to ascertain the feasibility of meeting at Philadelphia during the Centennial, the Committee to report at the next meeting of the Society.