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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Colonel Alexander M. Cumming, Robert M. Boggs, William Lloyd, William C. DeHart, C. Stanley Sims, Francis Barber, Francis B. Ogden.

Delegates to the General Society

Judge L. Q. C. Elmer, Colonel Alex. M. Cumming, Judge John T. Nixon, Colonel C. S. Sims and Rev. Charles C. Beatty, D.D.


Francis B. Ogden, Judge Joseph G. Scott.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee have received an application for admission to the Society from Peter D. Vroom, son of Matilda Wall, and great grandson of Col. Jonathan Rhea, an original member, and recommend his admission. He was admitted.

Honorary Members

On motion the rule of the Society regarding election of Honorary Members was suspended and the Hon. John L. Cadwalader and Col. William E. Potter were unanimously elected honorary members of this Society.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate for the 6 per cent, loan of the United States for $14,000, the present fund of this society, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer.

That they have also examined the Treasurer’s annual account as rendered and find the same correct.

By this there is shown to be in the hands of, the Treasurer the sum of $1,762.75 after allowing the following several disbursements made during the year, viz:

Cash paid for crape $5.20
Cash paid for Journal 10.75
Dinner and Expenses at Trenton 299.25
Donations 350.00
Attendance Fees 190.00

It was Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed to invest without further delay $500.00 of the funds remaining in his hands in United States Securities or in Securities of the State of New Jersey and the Secretary instructed to so notify the Treasurer.


Your Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $25 each:

Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Sally Dayton, Mrs. Alice Ogden, Mrs. E. T. Allen, Mrs. C. A. Dunham, Mrs. R. T. Buck, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Mary Thomas, Miss Julia A. Pennington, Misses E. and S. Lloyd, Mrs. E. W. Lott, and Miss Reckless. Recommendations adopted.


The meeting having been suitably opened with prayer by the Chaplain, the Revd. Luther Halsey, D.D., the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

At the request of the President, Col. Sims then read the Institution of the Society.

The President informed the Society that the Massachusetts State Society desired to present through him a copy of a book regarding their Society, which on motion of Messrs. Sims and Nixon was accepted, and the President requested to convey our thanks to that Society for the gift.

The President then announced in feeling terms the death of our venerable and much esteemed Honorary Member, General Thomas Cadwalader.

On motion the President appointed the Revd. Dr. Chas. C. Beatty, Philemon Dickinson, Esqr., and Col. C. S. Sims, a Committee to draft suitable resolutions of respect to the memory of our deceased friend.

On motion. Resolved, that the Secretary is authorized to provide a suitable chest or box for the preservation of the archives of the Society, and to deposit the same with the Trenton Banking Company.