Herman Burgin was unanimously elected to membership. He was the great grandson of Seth Bowen an original member.
Col. Cumming presented an application for membership on behalf of Peter D. Vroom, Jr., which was on motion of Mr. Sims referred to the Standing Committee in Special Session, who reported as follows:
As no written application has been received from Peter D. Vroom, Jr., son of Matilda Wall, and great grandson of Col. Jonathan Rhea, therefore, the Committee under the rules of the Society are unable to act.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate for the six per cent, loan of the United States for $14,000, the present fund of this Society, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer.
That they have also examined the Treasurer’s annual account as rendered and find the same correct.
By this there is shown to be in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $1,656.64 after allowing the following several disbursements made during the year, including investment, viz:
Cash paid cigars and crape
Cash paid C. S. Sims, Expenses Del. Gen’l. Society
The Treasurer announced the sum of $500. as remaining in his hands over and above the current expenditures, which was on motion ordered to be invested according to the rule.
Your Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $25.
Mrs. Rebecca T. Buck, the Misses Eleanor and Susan Lloyd (jointly), Mrs. E. C. Hay, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Scott, Mrs. E. F. Allen, Miss Amelia G. Dayton, Miss Julia Pennington, Mrs. C. Dunham, Miss Mary De Hart, Mrs. E. W. Lott, Mrs. Alice De Hart Ogden, Miss Sallie Dayton, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Mary A. Thomas and Miss Eliza Reckless. Recommendations adopted.
The President announced to the Society the receipt of a letter written at the request of the Revd. C. C. Beatty, D.D., Vice-President, explaining his absence, he being detained by serious ill health.
The President then read from the Constitution of the Society the principles upon which it was founded and its objects.
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary and approved.
The Committee beg leave to offer the following resolution:
Resolved, that this Society has heard with profound sorrow of the death of their late fellow member, Captain James Francis Armstrong: that in his decease the Society has lost one of its most active and esteemed members, and that this minute and resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Society and a copy of the same forwarded to the widow and mother of the deceased.
The Secretary was authorized to purchase at his discretion a second volume for the recording of the minutes of the Society.
The Secretary read to the Society a Resolution adopted by the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of South Carolina, expressing their appreciation of the honor conferred upon their State by the election of their President, Hon. James Simons, to the Vice-Presidency General of the Order.
It was ordered that the next meeting of the Society be held on July 4th, 1874, at the Trenton House, New Jersey.