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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

William Lloyd, Robert B. Boggs, Francis B. Ogden, Francis Barber, Clifford Stanley Sims, William C. DeHart, Alexander M. Cumming.

Delegates to the General Society

Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, Rev. C. C. Beatty, Hon. John T. Nixon, Clifford Stanley Sims and Colonel Alex. M. Cumming.

By-Laws, Rules and Amendments

The Amendment proposed at the last meeting, by Mr. Francis B. Ogden, to the Rules of the Society adopted July 4th, 1867, relating to the admission of members, coming up for consideration in its order, the proposed amendment, as fully entered on the Minutes of July 4th, 1871, was adopted as a substitute for Article I of said Rules.

Col. Cumming offered for the consideration of the Society an amendment to Article II of said Rules of July 4, 1867, as follows:

Resolved, that in Rule 2d, adopted July 4th, 1867, all the words following the word “equivalent” be stricken out, and the following substituted in lieu thereof: “and shall pay into the Treasury of the Society the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars.”

Hereditary Members

Your Committee have received applications for admission to the Society from: Commodore John C. Howell as representative of his grandfather, Major Richard Howell, an officer in the Revolutionary Army and late Governor of this State. And from A. Ogden Dayton as the representative of his father, Aaron Ogden Dayton, deceased, late a member of this Society. They were admitted.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate for the six per cent, loan of the United States for $14,000, the present fund of this Society and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer.

That they have also examined the Treasurer’s annual account as rendered and find the same correct.

By this there is shown to be in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $1,719.92 after allowing the following disbursements made during the year, including investment, viz.:

Cash paid Secy., Telegrams, Postage, Etc $7.00
Safety Deposit Co 9.50
R. M. Boggs Esq 2.00
Crape, Postage, etc 11.50
Assessment Genl. Society 60.00
Wm. B. Dayton, Expenses as Delegate to Boston 31.00
Repairing Banner 1.50
Attendance Fees 270.00
Donations 325.00
Dinner at Trenton 352.05
1 U. S. $500 Bond 573.75

The Treasurer of the Society announced that the Executors of the Estate of John McDowell, deceased, his predecessor in office, had paid into his hands the entire principal due by said Ex-Treasurer to the Society at the time of his death.

Whereupon it was on motion of Mr. Francis Barber, Resolved that the interest which has accrued during the period intervening since the death of Mr. McDowell, $231.30, be remitted, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to receipt to the said Executors in full for all demands.


The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $25:

Mrs. Mary Green, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Allen, Mrs. E. C. Hay, Miss A. G. Dayton, Miss Elizabeth W. Scott, Miss Julia A. Pennington, Mrs. John Buck, The Misses Lloyd, Mrs. Mary De Hart, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Sarah O. Dayton, Miss G. Thomas, Miss Eliza J. Reckless, Mrs. Alice Ogden, Mrs. C. A. Dunham, and Alex. M. Cumming. Recommendations adopted.


After an appropriate invocation by the Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Halsey, for the Divine blessing upon the proceedings of this body, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The President announced to the Society in feeling terms the decease since the last meeting of two of the members of the New Jersey State Society, Col. James W. Wall and Mr. William Russell Allen.

Philemon Dickinson, Esq., added to the remarks of the President a tribute to the character of Col. Wall, closing with the offer of the following Resolutions of regret and sympathy which were unanimously adopted and ordered to be entered upon the minutes of the Society.

On the ninth day of June, 1872, James W. Wall a member of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New Jersey died at his residence in the City of Elizabeth.

Col. Wall was of Revolutionary ancestry and with his father, General Garret D. Wall, occupied honored seats in the Senate of the United States. He was a man of rare culture and ability, a writer, correct, elegant and forcible. An orator, brilliant and distinguished. A man respected by all, and beloved by those who knew him best; he was ever true to all convictions of right, fearless in their maintenance and of undeviating fidelity to every principle adopted.

This Society desire to record its appreciation of his worth and talents, and order this minute to be spread upon its proceedings of this day and a certified copy thereof to be forwarded by the Secretary to the widow and family of the deceased.

Clifford Stanley Sims, Esqr., after a few feeling remarks upon the character of our lately deceased brother member, William Russell Allen, moved the appointment of a Committee to prepare a suitable minute of respect and sympathy with his bereaved family.

The President appointed as such Committee Hon. John T. Nixon, C. Stanley Sims, Esqr., and William B. Buck, Esqr.

The President here read from the Constitution of the Society of the Cincinnati the principles upon which the Society was founded, its objects, etc.

The President made a verbal report, as Chairman of the Delegation from the New Jersey State Society, of the proceedings of the General Society at their recent triennial meeting held at Boston, May 30th and 31st of this year.

A large number of handsomely bound copies of a volume entitled “The Officers and Men of the Revolutionary War from New Jersey,” compiled by Gen. Stryker, Adjutant-General of the State, being presented through Philemon Dickinson, Esqr., for distribution to the several members of this Society, it was on motion.

Resolved, that the thanks of this Society are due and be tendered to Adjutant General William S. Stryker for this interesting and valuable gift, and that we congratulate him upon the complete success of his labors in adding so important a volume to the history of our State.

Resolved, that the Secretary of this State Society communicate to Adjutant General Stryker a copy of this Resolution in acknowledgment of his gift.

The Committee appointed to prepare a suitable minute of respect and sympathy upon the decease of our late member, William R. Allen, made the following report:

Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of the decease of Wm. Russell Allen, in his life time a member of this Society beg leave to report, that:

Mr. Allen was elected a member of the Society on the 4th of July, 1862, as the Great Grandson of Major Richard Cox, the first Treasurer of this Society. Mr. Allen was the tenth in descent from Ralph Allen, a Quaker settler of Salem, Mass., in 1640, whose son the Hon. Jedediah Allen removed to New Jersey where early in the eighteenth century he was a member of the Colonial Council.

Mr. Allen was remarkable for his amiability, modest deportment and strict integrity; his character was of that quiet and retiring disposition that required close acquaintance to thoroughly appreciate.

Your Committee feeling assured of the great regard and perhaps even affection which all their brethren felt for Mr. Allen respectfully suggest that a copy of this report be sent by the Secretary to the family of our deceased brother.

On motion the foregoing report was unanimously approved and the Secretary was instructed to spread the same upon the minutes of this meeting and to forward a copy to the family of the deceased. And it was further ordered that the usual badge of mourning be worn for our two deceased brethren, Col. Wall and Mr. Allen.