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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

William Lloyd, James F. Armstrong, Alex. M. Cumming, William C. DeHart, Francis Barber, John I. Beatty, Charles F. Hendry.

Delegates to the General Society

William. B. Buck, William B. Dayton, Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, Clifford Stanley Sims, Captain James F. Armstrong.

By-Laws, Rules and Amendments

Mr. Francis B. Ogden offered for the consideration of the Society the following proposed amendment to the Rules adopted July 4th, 1867, and moved the substitution of the same for Article i of said Rules.

Where there are descendants of an original member in the male line, the right of membership belongs to the heir of the eldest line, but where the male line is extinct, the Society may determine which of the female line shall have the representation and where there are no lineal descendants of an original member, a descendant of a brother or sister of the original member may succeed to the representation.

Upon the death of a member, if the person upon whom devolves the succession, being of full age, shall fail to apply for his membership within 2 years, he shall be notified by the Secretary at his last known place of residence (a copy of this rule accompanying such notification) and if within a year thereafter he declines or omits to make said application, the right of succession may at the option of the Society be offered to his next heir male, and if he also declines or omits to avail himself of the offer within a year, the Society may determine which, if any, of the other descendants of the original Member, shall succeed, to the representation. Provided, however, if the next heir male of the person regularly entitled to succession be a minor, the eligibility to membership being vested in him, this rule shall remain in abeyance until such disability cease.

Hereditary Members

Applications for admission to membership in the Society have been presented to your Committee by Isaac C. Thomas in right of his father, James Provoost Thomas, lately deceased, and Joseph Griffiths Scott, as eldest son of the late President Col. Joseph Warren Scott. They were admitted.

Your Committee have also received an application for admission into the New Jersey State Society from Edward W. West, a resident at present, of Bergen, N. J., who claims such admission as representative of one Lieut. Hardy Pierce, killed at Fort Lee in 1776, which application is after due consideration, respectfully referred to the Society for action, and without recommendation.

The application of Edward W. West, referred by the Committee to the Society for its action, it was ordered that the application be returned to Mr. West by the Secretary, with advice that this State Society cannot recognize any valid claim on his part to membership and that his application is accordingly rejected.

Honorary Members

Admiral Charles S. Boggs, was excused for non-attendance at the present meeting, he being absent from the country on public service.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate for the six per cent, loan of the United States for $13,500 and find the same in the hands of the Treasurer.

That they have also examined the Treasurer’s account and find the same correct, by which it appears that there is in the hands of the Treasurer, the sum of $1,924 and 14-100 after allowing the following several disbursements made during the year as follows:

Cash paid Safe Deposit Co $6.75
Power of Attorney Stamp .25
Attendance Fees 240.00
Donations, 18 337.50
Dinner at New Brunswick 305.25
Horse and Buggy to Col. Scotts 2.00
Segars for dinner 29.10

The Treasurer then made an explanation to the Society of the present condition of so much of its funds as were held by the late Treasurer, John McDowell, Jr., at the time of his death. Stating that he had received from the executors of Mr. McDowell on the previous day the sum of $1,000 on account and the promise of early payment of the balance.

On motion of Col. Alex. M. Cumming it was Resolved that the Trustees of the Society Fund be and they are hereby instructed to invest the surplus funds received from time to time from the Executors of the late Treasurer, in such a manner as is provided in the 14th Section of the By-Laws of this State Society.


The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $25 each:

Mrs. E. B. D. Ogden, Miss Amelia C. Dayton, Mrs. C. A. Dunham, Mrs. John Buck, The Misses Lloyd, Mrs. E. W. Lott, Mrs. Mary Green, Mrs. Harriet H. Armstrong, Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Sallie Dayton, Mrs. C. E. Hay, and Miss Julia A. Pennington. Recommendations adopted.


The place of meeting of the Society on the present Anniversary having been by general consent changed since the last meeting to Elizabeth, the Society met this day at Swartz’s Hotel in that City, the Hon. Vice-President presiding.

After a solemn invocation by the Chaplain, Revd. C. C. Beatty, D.D., for the Divine blessing upon the actions and deliberations of the Society, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Mr. Edward R. Pennington announced to the meeting the death on the 27th day of April last, of our venerable and devoted President. Philemon Dickinson, Esqr., announced the deaths of Col. Jonathan D. Phillips on the 23d of February, and of James P. Thomas, Esqr., on the ——- day of ——-

On motion a Committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Jas. W. Wall, Edwd. R. Pennington and C. Stanley Sims, was appointed by the Chair to prepare and report to the meeting suitable resolutions to express the regret for and appreciation which the Society entertains of the severe loss which it has thus sustained by the hand of death.

Col. James W. Wall, Chairman, presented and read to the Society the following resolutions prepared by the Committee appointed for the purpose.

Resolved, that in the death of the venerable President of this Society, Col. Joseph Warren Scott, who so long presided over its deliberations with so much dignity and urbanity, his associates mourn the loss of a devoted patriot and high-toned, courteous gentleman.

Resolved, that in the deaths of our brethren Jonathan D. Phillips and James P. Thomas, Esqrs., we mourn the loss of kind-hearted associates whose memory will be ever precious.

Resolved, that the Secretary of the Society be requested to transmit a copy of these Resolutions to the respective families of the deceased members.

Mr. Sims states to the Society that he is requested by their Standard Bearer, Joseph W. S. Dey, Esqr.[1], to tender his resignation of that position.

On motion Resolved, that the resignation of Joseph W. S. Dey, Esqr., as Standard Bearer of this State Society be accepted and that the Secretary communicate to Mr. Dey due notice of such acceptance, with the thanks of the Society for his long and faithful attention to the duties of his office.

[1] Joseph Warren Scott Dey was the grandson of President Joseph Warren Scott through his daughter Lavinia Agnes (Scott) Dey.