The following applications for admission as Members of the Society were presented to your Committee, and after due consideration of the claims made by each applicant, their admission is recommended, viz.: James W. Wall, as the oldest surviving male representative and Grandson of Brevet Captain Jonathan Rhea.
On motion the Rule requiring nomination a year in advance of balloting was suspended and Mr. Nixon was unanimously elected to Honorary Membership in this Society.
The Standing Committee find safe in the hands of the Treasurer the certificates of loan of the United States for $13,500.
That they have examined the accounts of Francis B. McDowell, Executor of the late Treasurer John McDowell, Jr., Esq., and find a balance due and unpaid to the Society of $1,475.91, after allowing the several disbursements made during the year as follows:
Cash paid for safe for Society
Attendance fees (18 members)
Attendance fees (3 members as delegates to Baltimore)
Seventeen donations
Joseph Bodine (for dinners)
For liquors and cigars
For crape
The Secretary called the attention of the Society to the insufficiency of the resolutions passed at the last annual meeting for the re-registration of the Society’s United States Bonds and presented the following in lieu thereof.
Resolved, That the said L. Q. C. Elmer, William B. Buck and William B. Dayton or either of them, should any fail to attend, or the survivors or survivor of them, be and they are hereby authorized to receipt for the interest upon the said stock as it from time to time matures.
So much thereof as relates to the Treasurer’s accounts was approved after a statement made by the Treasurer as to his understanding of the financial condition of the Estate of the late John McDowell, Jr.
The Standing Committee recommend that donations be distributed as follows: $20 to Mrs. John Buck, Miss Amelia C. Dayton, the Misses Lloyd, Mrs. C. E. Hay, Miss S. Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly). Miss Eliza Barber, Miss Mary De Hart, Mrs. Lewis Dunham, Miss G. Thomas, Miss Eliza Reckless, Miss H. Stout, Miss Alice Ogden, Mrs. E. W. Lott, Mrs. Harriet H. Armstrong, and Miss Julia Pennington.
On motion of C. Stanley Sims, Esqr., it was Resolved, that hereafter all applications for pensions or allowances from this State Society shall be made in writing and addressed to the Standing Committee, and each such application shall contain the statement that the party so applying or applied for, is worthy of relief.
The Secretary was authorized to distribute to such members as should apply therefor, the old original parchment diplomas of the Society now in his possession.
General Thomas Cadwallader, Chairman, then presented on behalf of the Committee appointed for that purpose the following report and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:
The Society has just heard with deep regret of the death of our late member, Aaron S. Pennington, which has occurred since our last meeting. In his death the Society has lost one of its worthy associates. We sympathize with his bereaved family and friends, and desire that the members of the Society wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, that the Secretary furnish a copy of these Resolutions to the family of the deceased.
On motion the rule requiring that all officers shall be elected by ballot was suspended, and the officers were then elected viva voce to serve the ensuing year.