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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Colonel Alex. M. Cumming, Francis Barber, William Lloyd, Charles F. Hendry, John I. Beatty, James P. Thomas, William C. DeHart.

Delegates to the General Society

Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, Colonel Alex. M. Cumming, Rev. Dr. C. C. Beatty, William B. Buck, William B. Dayton.

Hereditary Members

The following applications have been made to its Standing Committee for admission to the Society and after due consideration of the claims presented by each applicant, their admission is respectfully recommended.

Francis Buck McDowell, M.D., only son of John McDowell, Jr., deceased, late Treasurer of the Society, as representative of Captain Shephard Kollock.

James R. Walker, son of Aaron F. Walker, deceased, as representative of Captain George Walker.

Chas. W. Hornblower, son of Mrs. Mary B. Hornblower, daughter of Dr. Wm. Burnett, Jr., as representative of Dr. Wm. Burnett, Jr.

Edward R. Pennington, only surviving son of the late William Pennington, and brother of Wm. S. Pennington, lately deceased, as representative of Capt. William Sanford Pennington. They were admitted.

Honorary Members

On motion resolved. That Brig. Gen. Gershom Mott, having been duly elected to Honorary Membership in this Society on July 4, 1866, and having failed to comply with the provisions of the Rule adopted, July 4, 1860, such refusal or neglect on his part is accepted by the Society as a resignation of such membership, and the position is hereby declared to be vacant.

Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to communicate to General Mott the action of the Society in his matter.

Com. Chas. S. Boggs, being at sea on Government service and A. S. Pennington, Esq., detained at home by sickness, were excused for non-attendance at this meeting.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the late Treasurer John McDowell. Jr., Esq., and also the certificates of loan of the United States for $13,500, and find the same safe in the hands of Francis B. McDowell, M.D., Executor of the late Treasurer, and the amount in the hands of the Treasurer, $2,394.47.

That the disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year were as follows:

Cash paid attendance fees (16 members) $160.00
Donations 400.00
Joseph Bodine (dinners) 184.70
William G. Cochrane & Co. (wines) 63.75
Cigars for dinner 32.00
Secretary and Treasurer (postage and expenses) 10.45
Total $850.90

Leaving in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $1,395.97, which with the amounts received since the last meeting $1,093.50, makes the balance as above now in the hands of the Treasurer of $2,394.47.

On motion of Col. A. M. Cumming it was resolved that the Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to register the present permanent fund of the Society, viz.: $13,500 of United States, 5-20’s. Bonds in the names of L. Q. C. Elmer, William B. Buck and William B. Dayton as Trustees for the Cincinnati Society of the State of New Jersey, and further.

Resolved, That the Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to add to the present fund by investment in the same denomination of Government Bonds, of so much of the present surplus funds in his hands as may be advised and approved by said Trustees.


The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $25 each:

Miss Amelia G. Dayton, the Misses Lloyd, Mrs. C. E. Hay, Miss S. Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly). Miss Eliza Barber, Miss Mary DeHart, Mrs. Lewis Dunham, Miss G. Thomas, Miss Reckless, Miss H. Stout, Miss Alice Ogden, Miss Mary E. Beatty, Mrs. Buck, Mrs. E. W. Lott, Alex. M. Cumming, and Mrs. John McDowell, Jr., the sum of $50. Recommendations adopted.


The Secretary read to the Society the following telegram just received:

Dayton, O., July 4th, 1869.
To Col. Jos. Warren Scott,

Prest. N. J. Society of Cincinnati:
Prevented being with our distinguished Society this anniversary, I send return greetings: to its venerable President respectful love and sympathy; to each individual member health, happiness and prosperity; and to the time-honored institution of glorious memories, a prayer, its motto Esto perpetua.

J. D. Phillips.

which was ordered to be entered upon the minutes.

On motion of Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, the Society then proceeded to the election of two Trustees to fill the vacancies occasioned by the deaths of Hon E. B. D. Ogden and John McDowell, Jr., which resulted in the choice of Wm. B. Buck and Wm. B. Dayton.

Rev. Dr. Beatty, Chairman, then presented on behalf of the Committee appointed for the purpose the following resolutions:

It is with deep regret that the Society has heard of the death of their worthy associate, John McDowell, Jr., Esqr., on the 18th of June last, and they would hereby express their high appreciation of his character as a man. A member of the Society, and their most able and faithful Treasurer for the last fifteen years. Always regular and punctual in his attendance, and taking a lively interest in all its proceedings, the Society feels that it has lost a most worthy and excellent brother, and that his place will be missed by his surviving associates.

While we express our warm friendship for the deceased and deeply sympathize with his bereaved family, we realize that such is the end to which we all shall sooner or later come.

Resolved, that this be inserted on the minutes of the Society, and a copy of it be transmitted by the Secretary to the family of Mr. McDowell.

We also note the recent decease of another late member, Mr. Wm. S. Pennington, on Sept. 4, 1868, admitted in 1865, and thus only a short time with us.

Which report was unanimously approved.

The President called the attention of the Society to the fact that the day was no longer observed as in former times by reading of the Declaration of Independence and an oration, and expressed a wish that some action might be had to restore a custom so appropriate to the celebration of the day.

On motion of Col. Cumming the rule requiring that all officers shall be balloted for was suspended, and the officers were then elected, viva voce to serve for the ensuing year.

On motion of Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, the office of Asst. Treas., which was abolished in 1839 was revived, and Fras. Buck McDowell, M. D., was then unanimously elected to such position.

The Secretary then read to the Society a communication from Alexander Hamilton, Esqr., addressed to the New Jersey State Society of Cincinnati, presenting for their acceptance a volume being a facsimile of the original scheme of government for the United States, as presented for the consideration of the Federal Convention, in April, 1787. Whereupon it was ordered that the letter of presentation and volume accompanying the same be placed in the archives of the Society, and that the Secretary be instructed to convey to Alexander Hamilton, Esqr., the thanks of the Society for his generous donation.