The application of Thomas H. Green, of New York, which was laid over at last meeting, and referred to Mr. Lloyd for investigation, having been reported upon adversely by Mr. Lloyd upon the ground of his grandfather being an Honorary Member only, it is recommended that such application be rejected.
The application of John Clarke Sims, Jr., as the representative of Alexander Ross, M.D., a surgeon in the New Jersey line, who died before the close of the war, having been duly considered by the Committee, it is recommended that he be admitted subject to the provisions of the (2d) Rule for Admission of Members, adopted, July 4, 1867, viz.: Upon payment into the Treasury of the Society a sum equivalent to the amount contributed by an original member of the rank of the ancestor from whom he claims descent, or in whose right he claims membership, with six per cent, per annum on the same from the date of the organization of the Society to the time of his admission.
John Clarke Sims, Jr., made application for membership in the Society, which was favorably reported upon by the Standing Committee, and was assented to by the Society to take effect upon compliance with the provisions of the (2d) Rule.
The Standing Committee report, that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer John McDowell, Jr., Esq., and also the certificate of loan of the United States for $13,500, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer and the amount in the hands of the Treasurer is $2,180.97.
The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year :
Cash paid Joel Munsell for printing 100 copies Society’s book
Cash paid John E. Potter for binding and lettering 50 copies of the same
The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $25 each: Mrs. Armstrong, Miss Eliza Barber, Miss Mary De Hart, Miss S. Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly). The Misses Lloyd, Miss Amelia Dayton, Mrs. C. E. Hay, Mrs. Dunham, Miss G. Thomas, Mrs. Kollock, Miss Reckless, Miss H. Stout, Mrs. Buck, Francis Barber, Charles F. Hendry, and Alex. M. Cumming. Recommendations adopted.