Colonel A. M. Cumming, Francis Barber, William Lloyd, Chas. F. Hendry, J. I. Beatty, James P. Thomas, Rev. Dr. L. Halsey.
Colonel Joseph W. Scott, Rev. Dr. C. C. Beatty, Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, Rev. Dr. L. Halsey, John McDowell, Jr.
The Committee appointed at a previous meeting to consider and report upon the advisability of amending the present rules for admission of Members to this State Society, submitted the following rules for future observance.
1. Where there are descendants of an original member in the male line, the right of membership shall belong to the heir of the eldest line, but if the person so entitled shall fail to apply for his membership within three years, the Society may determine, who, if any, of the other male descendants shall be admitted; where the male line is extinct, the Society may determine which of the female lines shall have the representation; and where there are no lineal descendants of an original member, or the heir entitled in the male or female line fails to avail himself of his claim to membership within three years, a descendant of a brother or sister of the original member, if there be any such, shall succeed to the representation.
2. Hereafter all officers of the Army or Navy of the Revolution, whose records are unsullied, shall be entitled to representation in this State Society, but such representation shall be upon the following conditions. Each applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his good character and moral worth, and shall pay into the treasury of the Society a sum equivalent to the amount contributed by an original member of the rank of the ancestor from whom he claims descent, or in whose right he claims membership, with six per cent, per annum on the same, from the organization of the Society to the date of his admission.
3. In determining the succession of such members as shall make application for admission under the preceding (2d) Rule, the same ruling will apply as in the case of representations of original members.
4. Any person claiming membership shall make written application to the Standing Committee at or before a regular meeting, stating clearly his claim. The Committee shall examine the same, and after demanding such proof as they think proper in its support, shall report to the Society their opinion in writing. The Society always reserving to itself the right to reject and pass over any application where it is deemed best for its interests to do so, whether for unworthiness on the part of the applicant or other cause.
5. No elections for members shall be held except at the regular annual meetings. Honorary members or those applying under the provisions of the second rule above, shall be proposed at an annual meeting previous to that at which they are to be balloted for. All elections shall be by ballot, and five negative votes shall be considered as a rejection of any candidate.
6. None but males of full age shall be admitted to membership, but eligibility to membership in succession devolving upon a minor shall be deemed vested in such minor, and the use thereof shall remain in abeyance until the disability cease or to be removed as provided for in the first rule.
An application for membership was presented in favor of Francis Barber Ogden, as the representative of late Col. Francis Barber Ogden and it is recommended that he be admitted. He was admitted.
The Committee recommend that the application of Samuel B. Stafford for membership be laid over until he be admitted a member of the State Society of Massachusetts, and properly transferred to this Society.
The application of Thomas H. Green, of New York, was laid over until the next meeting and Mr. Lloyd appointed to investigate the case.
The application of John Clarke Sims, Jr., for membership postponed until next meeting.
General Gershom Mott. of Bordentown, N. J., was elected an honorary member of this Society to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Hon. F. T. Frelinghuysen, and the Secretary was instructed to advise Gen. Mott of his election to such membership.
The Standing Committees report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer John McDowell, Jr., Esq., and also the certificate of loan of the United States for $13,500 and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer. The amount in the hands of the Treasurer is $2,247.23.
The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year:
To cash paid expenses of General Society | $320.02 |
Attendance fees (19 members) | 190.00 |
Donations | 350.00 |
Standard Bearer | 5.00 |
C. Stanley Sims (expenses) | 50.00 |
Peter Katzbenbach (dinners) | 276.25 |
William Quinn (printing rules) | 10.00 |
Total | $1,201.27 |
Leaving a balance in hands of the Treasurer | 1,045.96 |
Total | $2,247.23 |
The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $25 each:
Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. C. E. Hay, Mrs. Dunham, Miss Amelia Dayton, Mrs. Elizabeth Barber, Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Reckless, Miss H. Stout, The Misses Lloyd, Miss G. Thomas, Miss Alice Ogden, Miss S. Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly), and Alexander Hyer. Recommendations adopted.
The Treasurer was authorized to have printed for the use of the Society 100 copies of the rules.
The Special Committee appointed by the Society to superintend the publication of a list of the original members of the New Jersey Society and their successors, Rules, By-Laws, etc., presented the following report.
The Special Committee appointed by the Society at the annual meeting in July, 1862, and subsequently continued in 1866, to superintend the publication of a list of the original members and their successors, and other matters of interest to the Society, prepared by Mr. Sims, together with the Rules, By-Laws, etc., respectfully report.
That acting under these instructions they contracted shortly after the last annual meeting, with Mr. Joel Munsell of Albany, for the printing and delivery in paper covers of 100 copies of such book. That the same were delivered by Mr. Munsell in due season, when a contract was made with John E. Potter, of Philadelphia, for binding 50 of the copies in roan filleted with gold, and with appropriate inscriptions. That they have, as far as possible, distributed them among the members of the Society, and have presented in the name of the New Jersey State Society, one copy each to the several State Societies and the President General.
Mr. Wm. B. Buck tendered his resignation as Secretary of the Society which was accepted.