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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Messrs. Cumming, Thomas, Barber, Lloyd, Hendry, Sims and the Rev. Dr. Halsey.

Hereditary Members

The application of Jos. B. Stafford having reached the Committee too late for examination it is referred to the Society for their action. Action deferred.

Honorary Members

Resolved, That the excuse of Capt. Boggs, honorary member for nonattendance upon the meetings of the Society be accepted and that the place of the Hon. Frederick T. Frelinghuysen as honorary member be declared vacant, he not having attended since his appointment July 4, 1863.


The Standing Committee report that they have carefully examined the Treasurer’s account which they find correct, showing a balance in his hands of $545.84, together with interest on loan $1,478.25, gives the sum of $2,024.09.

The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year were as follows:

Cash paid traveling expenses for 15 members, $10 each $150.00
Fifteen donations of $25 each 375.00
Paid A. C. Heyer (as a donation on account of his mother’s death) 50.00
Paid J. W. S. Dey (Standard Bearer) 5.00
For crape and sundries 2.11
Wandell & Cochran (liquor bill) 135.50
John Williams (for dinner 35) 156.80
Balance in hands of Treasurer 1,149.68
Total $2,024.09

The Standing Committee recommend that whenever the Treasurer can add to the capital by appropriating any surplus funds that may be in his hands he be authorized to make such disposition of said surplus in the name of the Trustees appointed by the Society.

They would also recommend that an appropriation of $50 be made to C. Stanley Sims for expenses incurred in preparing the new book for publication.


The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons be given the sum of $25: Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. C. E. Hay, Miss Dayton, Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Dunham, Mrs. Lott, Miss Barber, Miss De Hart, Sallie Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly), Miss Reckless, Miss Stout, Miss Lloyd, and Miss Thomas. Recommendations adopted.