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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Alexander M. Cumming, J. B. Thomas, Messrs. Barber, Lloyd, Hendry, Beatty and Rev. Dr. Halsey.

Hereditary Members

An application for membership was presented on behalf of William B. Dayton, claiming as the representative of Gen. Elias Dayton, through his grandfather, Elias B. Dayton and his uncle, Thos. B. C. Dayton, recently deceased, leaving no children; also an application from Frederick B. Ogden for membership through his father, E. B. Dayton Ogden; also an application from W. S. Pennington eldest son of the late Wm. Pennington, which applicants the Committee recommend be admitted. They were admitted.


The Standing Committee report, that they have examined the certificate of loan of the United States for $13,500 and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer.

They have also examined the Treasurer’s account and find it correct by which it appears that there is in the hands of the Treasurer, the sum of $114.93, and interest on loan and premium on gold $1,293.97, making total amount in Treasurer’s hands, $1,408.90.

The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year were as follows:

Cash paid traveling expenses of 19 members $190.00
Seventeen donations ($25 each) 425.00
F. Barber (for 1863) 1.00
J. W. Scott (postage) 1.21
Peter Katzenbach bill (for 37 dinners) 245.85
Balance in Treasurer’s hands 545.84
Total $1,408.90


The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons receive $25 each:

Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. C. E. Hay, Miss A. Dayton, Miss Phoebe Ogden, Miss E. Barber, Miss Mary DeHart, Sallie Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly), Mrs. Reckless. Miss Stout, the Misses Lloyd, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Dunham, Miss Pennington. The donation to Mr. Hyer, funeral expenses of his mother, $50. Recommendations adopted.


The President announced to the Society the death since its last meeting of E. B. Dayton Ogden and T. B. C. Dayton both of Elizabeth, New Jersey, whereupon it was resolved that the usual badge of mourning be worn by the members.

A communication was received from Dr. John Gray of New York (see letter) which on motion of John McDowell was referred to the President, Col. Jos. Warren Scott to respond.

On motion, Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to procure a new flag or banner if found advisable within one or two years, Messrs. Scott, Cumming, McDowell and J. W. S. Dey[1] were appointed said Committee.

Report of Committee on banner was presented, not acted upon, and the Committee discharged.

[1] Joseph Warren Scott Dey was the grandson of President Joseph Warren Scott through his daughter Lavinia Agnes (Scott) Dey and the Society’s standard bearer.