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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Messrs. Cumming, Ogden, Barber, Lloyd, Halsey, Hendry and Armstrong.

Hereditary Members

Application for membership on behalf of Richard W. Stites of Morristown, N. J., claiming through his grandfather, Richard Stites an officer of the New Jersey Grenadiers from Elizabeth, N. J., who it is represented was killed before the formation of the Society is not recommended by the Committee.

An application of Adolphus P. Young for the seat of Adolphus Pennington was presented. As his seat has been given to the late Hon. Wm. Pennington, now deceased, who has a son living; the Committee cannot recommend the application.

The Committee appointed to investigate the facts in relation to the application of Robt. Morris Boggs. presented a written report of facts connected with the case recommending his admission as a member of this Society. He was admitted.

It appearing by reference to the minutes of this Society, July 4, 1853*, that Edward Ford was admitted to the Society in the right of his father, Washington Ford, it was ordered that the admission of Joshua E. Ford, July 4, 1863, being as supposed one and the same person be annulled.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate for the six per cent, loan of the United States for $13,500 and report the same in the hands of the Treasurer.

They have also examined the Treasurer’s account and find it correct, by which it appears that there is in his hands the sum of $156 and interest on the loan received $634.58, making the amount in the hands of the Treasurer, $790.58.

The disbursements made during the past year as follows :

May 14, 1863, assessment and expenses to General Society $50.00
One new cash book 1.75
July 4th, traveling expenses 130.00
Seventeen donations 340.00
John Williams (dinner at New Brunswick) 70.15
W. C. Cochran (wine bill) 78.75
J. W. S. Dey (Standard Bearer) 5.00
Balance in hands of Treasurer 114.93
Total $790.58


The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons receive $25 each:

Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Kollock, Miss Sally Thomas, Mrs. Armstrong, Miss A. Dayton, Miss Phoebe Ogden, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly). Miss DeHart, Mrs. C. E. Hay, Miss Reckless, Miss H. Stout, The Misses Lloyd, Mrs. Dunham, Miss Pennington, and Mrs. Lot. Recommendations adopted.


On motion, Resolved, that a list of the members be prepared and the roll called at each meeting of the Society.

On motion. Resolved, that the Standing Committee meet on some day previous to the stated meeting of the Society to attend to such business as may come before them and report the same to the Society at its annual meeting.

And that the Committee meet at Trenton on the 20th day of June, 1865, at 6 o’clock, P. M. for that purpose.

Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be tendered to Mr. Jonathan D. Phillips for the generous donation of Ohio Wines.

* There is no record of Edward Ford’s admission at this date. — W. T. B. S. Imlay, Secretary.