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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Messrs. Cumming, Ogden, Barber, Lloyd, Beatty, Hendry and Rev. Mr. Halsey.

Hereditary Members

James P. Thomas applied for admission to this Society to succeed his father, George C. Thomas our late Vice-President, he was admitted.

Robert Morris Boggs applied for admission to this Society he being the eldest grandson of Dr. Lewis Dunham an original member. Dr. Lewis Dunham, Jr., having died without issue, the male line became extinct.

The Committee refer the case to the Society, together with the application for membership of Joshua E. Ford, of Aloppo, Syria. It being found that he was the only son of George Washington Ford and grandson of Major Mahlon Ford an original member, he was admitted a member of this Society.

The application of Robt. Morris Boggs was on motion referred to a Select Committee of three, to report to the Society at its next meeting.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate for the six per cent, loan of the United States for $13,500 and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer.

They have also examined the Treasurer’s account and find it correct, by which it appears that there is due to him $7.44 for advances made which deducted from $600, one year’s interest on loan leaves remaining the sum of $592.56 in his hands.

The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year were as follows:

July 4, 1861, by balance due Treasurer $7.44
July 4, 1862, paid for dinners at Trenton 80.75
Traveling expenses of 16 members, $10 each 160.00
Donations 170.00
Francis Barber 10.00
C. Stanley Sims (expense) 7.71
Col. J. W. Scott (postage) .66
Crape, ribbon and paper 2.44
Standard Bearer 5.00
In hands of Treasurer 156.00
Total $600.00

The Committee appointed to reinvest the funds belonging to the Society reported that they had collected the bond of the United States for $10,000 in which the funds of the Society were invested, which became due in December, 1862, and which was payable in gold. That they disposed of the gold at premium of 34 52-100 per cent., making together with the sum of $48 in the Treasurers hands $13,500 Which sum they reinvested in Government six per cent, securities commonly known as the 5-20’s.

That the same was invested in the name of the Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, Hon. E. B. D. Ogden and John McDowell.


The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons receive $20 each:

Miss Sallie Thomas, Miss Helen Stout, The Misses Lloyd, Miss Whitlock, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Elizabeth Barber, Miss Sallie Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly). Miss Amelia Dayton and Mrs. Williamson (jointly). Miss Reckless, Miss Phoebe Ogden, Mrs. De Hart, Mrs. Dunham, Miss Pennington, and Mrs. P. C. Hay. Recommendations adopted.


At the invitation of the corporation of the City of New Brunswick, the Society participated with them in the celebration of the day. After which they again organized and proceeded to business.