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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Messrs. Cumming, Ogden, Barber, Lloyd, Beatty, Hendry and Sims.

Delegates to the General Society

Colonel J. W. Scott, Hon. L. O. C. Elmer, Hon. E. B. D. Ogden, John McDowell, Jr.

Hereditary Members

William Russel Allen having applied for admission to the Society to succeed his great grandfather, Major Richard Cox, formerly treasurer of this Society, after due consideration he was admitted.

Richard C. Shreve having applied for admission to the Society to succeed his grandfather, Major Richard Cox, the Standing Committee after due consideration recommend that he be not admitted.

Application of Frederick B. Ogden for membership was postponed till the next meeting of the Society.

Honorary Members

The Honorable Frederick Frelinghuysen Chancellor of the State of New Jersey, and Capt. Chas. Boggs were nominated as Honorary Members of this Society. Elected in 1863.


The Standing Committee have examined the Treasurer’s account and find it correct by which it appears that there is due to him $7.44 for advances, which deducted from $600, one year’s interest on said loan leaves remaining the sum of $592.56 in his hands. The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year were as follows:

July 4, 1860, by balance due Treasurer $10.69
July, 1861, by cas’h paid dinner at Trenton 228.13
Traveling expenses (16 members, $10) 160.00
Donations to 19 persons 190.00
Expenses at Church 11.00
Bill for crape 1.65
Standard Bearer 5.00
Postage .97
Total $607.44

The Committee report that the loan of the United in which funds of the Society are invested becomes due and payable in December next, and also that the Trustees in whose names the certificate of said loan belonging to the Society was made are all deceased, they therefore recommend the adoption of the following :

Whereas, The loan of the United States in which the funds of the Society of the Cincinnati of New Jersey are invested becomes due and payable in December next and whereas the Trustees named in the certificate of said loan for $10,000 held by the said Society are all deceased and whereas it may be to the best interests of said Society to transfer or sell the said loan and make a reinvestment before the time of the payment of said loan as above stated therefore, be it resolved, that John McDowell, Jr., Treasurer of this Society is hereby appointed attorney for the same and as such authorized to transfer sell or receive the amount when due of the said certificate of loan of the United States for $10,000 made in the names of Garret D. Wall, William Pennington and Robert D. Spencer, Trustees of said Society in the same manner as the Trustees themselves could do if living, and be it further resolved that Alexander C. Hyer, William B. Buck, Clifford Stanley Sims and the Treasurer be a Committee to superintend the reinvestment of said proceeds of the transfer sale or payment as above stated, and that they reinvest the same as they may think best for the interest of said Society in the names of Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, John McDowell, Jr., and Hon. E. B. D. Ogden as Trustees for the Society of the Cincinnati of New Jersey.

On motion resolved, that so much of the recommendation of the Standing Committee, which empowers the Committee therein named to reinvest the proceeds of the transfer sale or payment of the loan of the United States in which the funds of the Society of the Cincinnati of New Jersey are invested be stricken out and in lieu therof that the same shall be reinvested in United States stock or New Jersey State bonds.


The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons receive $10:

Miss Sally Thomas, Miss Helen Stout, The Misses Lloyd, Mrs. Whitlock, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Buck, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Sallie Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly). Miss Amelia Dayton and Mrs. Williamson (jointly), Miss Reckless, Miss Phoebe Ogden, Miss DeHart, Mrs. Dunham, Miss Pennington and Francis Barber.

The Committee recommend that hereafter no new names be added to the list of beneficiaries unless satisfactory evidence is produced to show the absolute need of the applicant. Recommendations adopted.


The President announced to the Society that since its last meeting death had been busy in our midst and removed from us, Geo. C. Thomas, our late Vice-President, the Hon. Wm. Pennington, the Hon. Theo. Frelinghuysen, the Hon. Lewis Condict and Dr. Stout. Whereupon, it was Resolved, that the usual badge of mourning be worn by the members and that the address of the President announcing their decease be placed upon the minutes, which was as follows:

My Brothers and Friends —

With grief of heart, I am compelled to announce to you that death since our last anniversary has visited our ancient Society with an unsparing hand.

1. George C. Thomas, our venerable Vice-President, departed this life in July last.

Mr. Thomas had survived all who were members at the time of his initiation.

He was a faithful member, always attending and taking an active, intelligent and influential, part in the business and deliberations of the Society.

For seventeen years consecutively he was our Vice-President. He was a good man and all who knew him loved him and now lament his death. I knew him well. He was my intimate personal friend. We were schoolboys together more than seventy years ago. An intimate and a warm friendship was then formed. It was continued through youth, manhood and old age.

I take pleasure and pride in saying that in that long lapse of years it was not interrupted by a single discordance.

2. Hon. Wm. Pennington died in March last. He was an active and efficient member of our Society. A long time Governor of our State and afterwards the presiding officer of the House of Representatives of the United States. He performed the duties of his exalted stations and at the same time faithfully attended to the interests and concerns of the Society of the Cincinnati — he loved the Society.

3. Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen has for many years been one of our members. He died in April last. The arduous duties of the high offices to which he was called prevented his meeting with us but occasionally, but he said with emphasis that his heart was with us. As a Senator of the United States he was highly distinguished and his useful life was closed presiding over a literary college.

4. Hon. Lewis Condict was borne to his grave at Morris in June last at the advanced age of ninety-one years. For a long time was Doctor Condict a regular and punctual attendant with us, but his duties in Congress, of which he was a member for several years, much prevented his meeting with us. He often said that he was proud to be a member.

5. I have recently heard of the death of Doctor Stout. Of him I knew but little. He was recently admitted as a member. I am told that he bore the character of a learned, respectable, and skillful physician. But this I do know that he was the descendant and representative of a brave and gallant soldier of the Revolution. Very seldom my brothers are we called upon to read such a list of distinguished brothers, who after a long and splendid career have been carried with honor to the grave. A bereavement so heavy is more than melancholy.

Our brothers will wear the usual badge of mourning, but this crape is a feeble emblem of the mourning of the heart.

The Standing Committee report that Mr. Sims has prepared a list of the original members and their successors and other matters of interest to the Society, and they recommend that the same together with the rules and bye-laws be printed at the expense of the Society for distribution among the members, and that a committee consisting of Alexander M. Cumming, Francis Barber, Clifford Stanley Sims and the officers be appointed to superintend the same with power to revise, alter, and amend the said rules and bye-laws, and that each member at his earliest convenience forward to any member of the committee all the information he can obtain concerning his own Revolutionary ancestors or any deceased members of the Society.

The Committee recommend that the Standing Committee hold a preparatory meeting in each year the particular day of such meeting to be fixed by the Committee at each previous meeting.

In compliance with the recommendation contained in the report of the Standing Committee the chairman appointed John McDowell, Jr.; Clifford Stanley Sims, and William B. Buck a special committee to whom was referred the papers prepared by Mr. Sims containing the list of original members and their successors and other matter of interest to the Society with direction to report to the next annual meeting such alteration in and additions to the present rules and bye-laws as they shall deem expedient.

Resolved that the oration and reading of the Declaration of Independence be dispensed with at the next meeting of the Society.