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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Hereditary Members

E. B. Dayton Ogden having made application for membership in place of his brother the late Matthias Ogden ; the Committee recommend that he be admitted a member of this Society, he was admitted.

The application of Clifford Stanley Sims having been considered he was admitted as a member of this Society in the right of Lieut. Col. John Ross, deceased.


The Standing Committee report that they have inspected the certificate of the United States loan for $10,000, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer. They have also examined the Treasurer’s account which they find to be correct by which it appears that there is due the Treasurer, $10.69 advanced by him which deducted from $600, the interest on the loan for the past year, leaves the sum in his hands of $589.31.

The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year were as follows :

Cash paid expenses of the General Society Meeting at Philadelphia $15.00
Traveling expenses of members 159.20
Dinner at Trenton 195.00
Donations 214.00
Col. J. W. Scott 25.00
Postage 3.80
Crape 2.20
Printing Odes 2.00
Services at Church 2.00
Total $618.20

Resolved, That the rule heretofore established by which mileage was allowed be abolished and in lieu thereof, that all the attending regular members shall be entitled to receive ten dollars.

The Standard bearer shall be entitled to receive the sum of $5 for his attendance and services. Recommendations were adopted.


The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons receive $10:

Miss Sallie Thomas, Mrs. Whitlock, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Buck, Miss Lloyd, Mrs. Barber, Misses Barber, Miss Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly), Mrs. Williamson and Miss A. C. Dayton (jointly), Miss Stout, Miss Reckless, Miss Ogden, Miss DeHart, Miss Pennington, Mrs. Dunham, and Mrs. P. C. Hay. Jos. E. Bloomfield to receive for this year $10. Recommendations adopted.


The President announced to the Society the death of two members since its last meeting, viz.:

Matthias Ogden and the Rev. Philip C. Hay, whereupon it was Resolved, that the Society wear the usual badge of mourning.

The Standing Committee would also recommend the adoption of the following resolutions :

That the rule heretofore established by which mileage was allowed be abolished and that in lieu thereof that all the attending regular members shall be entitled to receive Ten Dollars.

The Society then adjourned to attend the services at the church to which they were escorted by the military and citizens and where they listened to the reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Rev. Dr. Camp and an oration suitable to the day by the Rev. Dr. Crosby together with music by an efficient choir.

After which they returned to the place of meeting and proceeded to business.

The Committee appointed at the previous meeting to report whether any and what further regulations were necessary for ascertaining the right of membership not being prepared to report were continued and Judge Ogden and Clifford Stanley Sims added to said Committee.

On motion. Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be tendered to the Rev. Dr. Crosby, orator of the day, and that he be requested to furnish a copy of the oration to be placed in the archives of the Society.