Messrs. Ogden, Pennington, Cumming, Barber, Lloyd, Beatty and Hendry.
The Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Society to revise the rules and regulations reported the following which were approved and the Committee discharged.
By-Laws and Rules of the New Jersey Society of Cincinnati.
1. The Society shall hold an annual meeting on the 4th day of July unless that day shall fall on Sunday, in which case the annual meeting shall be held on the day following.
2. Nine members of the Society shall be necessary to constitute a quorum.
3. The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
4. The Officers of the Society shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting in each year. At which also there shall be appointed a committee of seven members, who, together with the officers of the Society before mentioned, shall constitute a standing committee. There shall also be appointed at the same time three delegates to represent this Society in any meeting of the General Society which may be held during the ensuing year.
5- The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society. He shall preserve order in the course of proceedings according to the parliamentary rules of deliberative Assemblies.
6. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall succeed to his powers and duties.
7. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Society, he shall record them in a fair and legible hand, and he shall have the custody of their books and papers.
8. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys belonging or due to the Society, arising from the interest or income of the permanent fund and other sources of revenue. He shall keep regular accounts and shall submit them to the inspection of the Standing Committee at the regular annual meeting.
9. It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee to take care of the general concerns of the Society as heretofore as well as of all matters which shall be especially committed to them by the Society. They shall examine the accounts of the Treasurer and make report thereon. They shall examine all bills and claims and shall authorize the payment of just demands. They shall recommend such donations of relief to the members of this Society or to the widows of families of deceased members who may in their judgment be proper objects for the beneficence of the Society, in such sums as they shall deem it reasonable and proper to allow.
10. Every person desirous of becoming a member of this Society shall make application in writing to the Standing Committee setting forth distinctly and clearly his claim to be admitted.
The Standing Committee shall advise thereon and may require any proof which they shall deem proper in support of such claim to be admitted, or any testimonial with respect to the character and standing of the applicant, and they shall report their opinion to the Society.
11. No persons shall be admitted a member of this Society unless he be Twenty One years of age.
12. No person shall be admitted a member of this Society except at a regular annual meeting.
13. No Honorary member shall be elected except at an annual meeting, and no person shall be elected an Honorary member unless he shall have been openly proposed as such at the annual meeting immediately preceding and an entry made of that fact upon the minutes.
14. If any Honorary member heretofore elected or hereafter to be elected shall refuse or neglect to attend two successive annual meetings of the Society and no satisfactory reason shall be assigned for the same, such refusal or neglect shall be construed to be ipso facto a resignation of his membership and the society may hereupon according to the rules proceed to elect some other in his place.
15. The vote upon the admission of new members and also upon the election of honorary members, shall in all cases be taken by ballot. The affirmative of two-thirds of the members present and voting shall be necessary for the admission of a new member. Four negatives shall prevent the election of an honorary member.
16. The members of the Society shall be considered as bound in honor not to mention out of the Society any matter offered in debate or any individual opinion respecting the admission, election or expulsion of any member.
17. At the annual meeting the Declaration of Independence shall be read before the Society by some one of the members, or by some other proper fitted person to be selected by the President. An oration shall also be delivered to the occasion and commemorative of the vast event of which that day is the anniversary.
18. No rule or By-Law shall be altered or repealed unless such alteration or repeal shall have been proposed at one annual meeting and agreed to at the next. Nevertheless the Society reserve to themselves the right in peculiar and extraordinary circumstances to suspend the operation of any rule. But in such case a vote unanimous shall be necessary.
19. The Society do not think it expedient in their Rules or By Laws to establish any permanent place of meeting and therefore leave that matter to each annual meeting to appoint the place of the next annual meeting.
20. The ancient customs of the Society shall remain unimpaired.
Mr. S. D. Phillips, of Dayton, Ohio, made application for membership in the place of his father, the late Horatio Gates Phillips; also Mr. John H. Polhemus, of Mount Holly, grandson of the late John Polhemus, both of which are deemed worthy and they were admitted. The following applications for membership were laid over till the next meeting:
Richard C. Shreeve, of Mount Holly, N. J.; Frederick B. Ogden, of Hoboken, N. J.; Clifford S. Sims, of Philadelphia, and VVm. R. Allen, of Mount Holly, N. J.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate for the loan of the United States for $10,000, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer.
They have also examined the Treasurer’s accounts which they find to be correct and by which it appears that there is now in his hands $7.51 to which add $600 interest on loan for the past year will make the sum of $607.51 now in his hands.
The disbursements made during the past year were as follows :
Cash paid traveling expenses | $104.00 |
Dinner at Trenton | 207.50 |
Donations | 300.00 |
Crape | .75 |
Music at Freehold | 6.00 |
Postage by the President | 1.20 |
Total | $619.45 |
Resolved, That no member’s mileage shall exceed ten dollars.
The Committee report that the sum of $12 each will be available for donations the present year and they recommend that each of the following persons receive the aforesaid sum:
Miss S. Thomas, Mrs. Whitlock, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Buck, The Misses Lloyd, Mrs. Barber, The Mises Barber, Miss Sallie Dayton and Mrs. Sterling (jointly), Mrs. Williamson and Miss A. C. Dayton (jointly). Miss Stout, Miss Reckless, Miss Ogden, Miss De Hart, Mrs. Dr. Dunham, Miss Harriet Pennington. Matthias Ogden to receive $10. Recommendations adopted.
The President announced to the Society the death since the last meeting of the Society of Horatio Gates Phillips, whereupon it was Resolved, the Society wear the usual badge of mourning.
The Society joined by the Citizens and escorted by the Military marched in procession to the College Chapel where after prayer, music by an efficient choir and reading of the Declaration of Independence by J. T. Bloomfield, an oration was delivered by Jos. P. Bradley, Esqr.
Upon motion of L. Q. C. Elmer, Esqr., it was resolved that the thanks of the Society be tendered to the orator of the day and that he be requested to furnish a copy of the same to be placed in the archives of the Society.
Resolved, that the letter from the General Society be referred to the Secretary and that he be directed to reply.
Resolved, that the Society through the Secretary announce their willingness to the General Society to take 50 copies of the work to be published by them containing information respecting the Society from its foundation to the present time, and that the same be disposed to the members at cost price. Resolved, that no member’s mileage shall exceed Ten (10) Dollars.
Resolved, that Trenton be the next place of meeting.
Resolved, that the President obtain the orator and reader for the day.