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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Messrs. Ogden, Barber, Lloyd, Beatty, Hendry, Cumming and Pennington.

By-Laws, Rules and Amendments

It was resolved that a committee of three (3) be appointed to revise the rules and regulations of this Society.

Hereditary Members

Wm. Pennington having resigned his appointment as an Honorary Member of this Society, and Adolphus Pennington formerly a member, having deceased since the last meeting and William Pennington requesting to be made a member in right of said Adolphus Pennington, he was admitted a member.

Mr. Anthony Reckless, son of Joseph W. Reckless a member (deceased), applied for admission as member of this Society in place of his father. It appears that he is a second son (the first son not having made application and having resigned in favor of his brother and requesting that he may be appointed) the Committee recommend that under the circumstances of the case that he be not admitted.

Clifford Sims, having applied to become a member of this Society, the Committee after having examined the merits of the same do not think that he is entitled to membership and refer the matter to the Society.

Mr. Elmer moved that the admission of Messrs. Reckless and Sims be laid over to the next meeting of the Society.

Honorary Members

On motion, resolved, that Aaron S. Pennington, of Paterson, N. J., be admitted as an Honorary Member of this Society and that the President notify him of said election.


The Standing Committee report, that they have examined the certificate for the loan of the United States for $10,000 and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer.

They have also examined the Treasurer’s account, which they find to be correct, by which it appears that there is now in his hands the sum of $26.96, making together with interest on loan for the past year $600, the sum of $626.96 now in his hands.

The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year were as follows:

Cash paid traveling expenses $88.40
Seal press, etc 3.00
Dinner at Princeton 60.00
Donations 320.00
Trustees 1857 and 1858 10.00
Col. Jos. Warren Scott (postage) 1.50
Standard Bearers 10.00
Crape and ribbon 3.19
Executive Committee 2.00
William V. Norcross (liquors) 66.00
Geo. Thomson 37.25
Certificates Membership 20.00
In hands of Treasurer 26.96
Total $648.30


The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive the sum of $20 each:

Miss Thomas, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Eleanor F. Lloyd and Susan P. Lloyd (jointly), Mrs. Barber, Elizabeth C. Barber and Phoebe A. C. Barber (jointly), Miss Sally Dayton, Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Amelia C. Dayton (jointly), Mrs. Stout, Miss Reckless, Miss Ogden, and Miss DeHart.

Mrs. Rachel Lloyd having died since the meeting of the Society, her daughters, Eleanor F. and Susan P. Lloyd, having made application to receive the donation formerly received by their mother, the Standing Committee recommend the same to be allowed. Dr. Lewis Dunham, having deceased since the last meeting of the Society, and Mrs. Dunham, his wife, having applied for assistance from this Society, the Standing Committee recommend that her name be placed on the list of beneficiaries after this year. Recommendations adopted.


The President announced to the Society the death of the following members since its last meeting, viz.:

Dr. Lewis Dunham, A. Ogden Dayton, Jos. Adolphus Pennington, whereupon it was Resolved, that the usual badge of mourning be worn by the members.

Resolved, that the true rank of the officer in the Army be inserted in each certificate of membership, unless holder of said certificate shall otherwise desire.

The Society, joined by the Citizens and escorted by the Military, marched in procession to the Methodist Church, where, after prayer, music by an efficient choir, reading of the Declaration of Independence by Chief Justice Green, an oration was delivered by the Revd. Dr. Hall, of Trenton.

The exercises being ended, the Society returned to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.

On motion of L. Q. C. Elmer, Esq., it was Resolved that the thanks of this Society be tendered to the Rev. Dr. Hall for his eloquent and appropriate address, and that he be requested to furnish a copy of same to be placed in the archives of the Society which was unanimously adopted.