The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate of the Government of the United States for $10,000, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer. They have also examined the Treasurer’s account which they find to be correct; by which it appears that there is now in his hands $48.30, making with interest on loan for the past year $600; $648.30 now in the hands of the Treasurer.
The disbursements for the past year were as follows:
Cash paid traveling expenses
” ” dinner at Trenton
” ” donations
” ” Col. J. W. Scott for General Society
” ” Standard Bearer
” ” crape and ribbon
Cash in hands of Treasurer
The Committee recommend that the sum of $10 be appropriated for cleaning Church at Trenton, July 4, 1857, and at Princeton for the present year.
That $5 be paid to J. W. S. Dey, also Anthony Dey for services rendered as standard bearers.
Also recommend the appropriation of $5.19 for crape ribbon, etc.
The Committee to whom was entrusted the sale of the United States stock belonging to this Society, reported that in their judgment not deeming the sale of the same advisable or to the best interest of the Society they have not acted in the matter.
On motion of Gov. Pennington (a member of said Committee) it was resolved that the Committee be discharged from further consideration of the subject.
The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $20 each:
Miss Thomas, Miss Stout, Miss Reckless, Miss Ogden, Mrs. Barber, Miss De Hart, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. Buck, Miss Sally Dayton, and Mrs. Armstrong.
The following persons to receive $10 each: Mrs. Williamson, Miss Amelia C. Dayton, Miss Elizabeth C. Barber and Miss Phoebe A. C. Barber. Recommendations adopted.
The President communicated to the Society that after diligent search, he had failed to find the list of original members belonging to this Society, and asked permission to again report at its next meeting.
The President announced to the Society the death, since its last meeting, of Francis Barber Ogden, who died in England, July 4th, 1857, whereupon it was Resolved, that the Society wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days.
The Society, joined by the Citizens, and escorted by the Military, proceeded in procession to the Methodist Church, when, after music by an efficient choir, prayer and reading of the Declaration of Independence by Genl. Cadwalader, an able and eloquent oration was delivered by Col. Jas. W. Wall, of Burlington.
On motion of Govr. Pennington, it was Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be tendered to Col. Jas. W. Wall, for the truly eloquent, appropriate and able address delivered before the Society this day and that he be requested to furnish a copy, to be placed in the archives of the Society, which was unanimously adopted.
It was Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be tendered to the Chaplain of the day.
Resolved, That the next Annual Meeting be continued two days.