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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Matthias Ogden, Charles F. Hendry, J. L. Beatty, William Lloyd, Francis Barber, L. O. C. Elmer, Alex. M. Cumming.

By-Laws, Rules and Amendments

Resolved that it shall be the duty of the Standing Committee, Secretary and Treasurer to meet on the evening of the 3d of July and prepare the business as far as they are able. The expenses to be borne by the Society. Adopted.

Hereditary Members

Wessel T. Stout made application for membership of this Society in consequence of the death of his father, Richard M. Stout, he being his eldest son, he was admitted.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the certificate of the United States for $10,000, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer. They have also examined the Treasurer’s account, which they find to be correct showing a balance in his hands this day of $41.49 to which add the sum of $600, the interest on the loan for the past year, making the sum of $641.49.

The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year were as follows:

By cash paid traveling expenses $122.80
” donations 300.00
” expenses for General Society 50.00
” dinner at Freehold 123.07
” crape 2.74
” Matthias Ogden (services rendered) 18.00
By cash in the hands of the Treasurer 41.49
Total $658.10

They would recommend the appropriation of $85 for traveling expenses.

The Committee would also recommend that the sum of $11.40 be allowed to R. V. Dey in full for services as standard bearer to date.

The Committee appointed at the last meeting, viz.: Governor Pennington, L. Q. C. Elmer and John McDowell, to whom was entrusted, if they deemed advisable, the sale of the United States Stock belonging to this Society, with power to invest the same in Pennsylvania State or other stock which they in their judginent deemed safe, not being prepared to report, it was resolved, that Messrs. Hyer and Buck be added to that Committee, and that the portion of the former resolution, which reads in Pennsylvania State, or other stock which they in their judgment deem safe, be stricken out. and the words Pennsylvania State, Philadelphia City, New York State or New York City stock be substituted in place thereof, which motion was adopted.

The Committee do further recommend that the sum of $26.17 be paid to Col. Jos. W. Scott to defray the expenses consequent upon attendance at the meeting of the General Society.


The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $20 each:

Miss Thomas, Miss Stout. Miss Reckless. Miss Ogden, Miss DeHart, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Mary Ann Powers, Mrs. W. D. Spencer, Miss Sally Dayton.

The following persons to receive $10 each: Mrs. M. R. C. Williamson, Amelia C. Dayton, Elizabeth C. Barber, and P. A. C. Barber. Recommendations adopted.


The President announced to the Society the death, since its last meeting, of Richard M. Stout, whereupon it was Resolved, that the Society wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

The Society, joined by the Citizens and escorted by the Military, marched in procession to the Methodist Church, when, after prayer by the Revd. Mr. H——, and the reading of the Declaration of Independence, by Genl. Thos. Cadwallader, an able and eloquent oration was delivered by their worthy President, Col. Jos. W. Scott. The services at the church being ended, the Society adjourned to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.

It was on motion Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be tendered to the orator of the day for his eloquent and appropriate address.

The President communicated to the Society that he had made diligent search for the list of original members among the papers belonging to this Society, but that he had not met with the success he had hoped for, and beg permission to report more fully at the next meeting of the Society.

On motion Resolved, that the previous resolutions in reference to the admission of the eldest son during the life of his father, and of more than one male descendant be laid over till the next annual meeting of the Society.

Resolved, that it shall be the duty of the Standing Committee and Treasurer, to meet on the evening of the 3d of July, and prepare the business as far as they are able. The expenses to be borne by the Society.