Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
Standing Committee
L. Q. C. Elmer, Matthias Ogden, Charles F. Hendry, J. L Beatty, J. A. Pennington, William Lloyd, Robert Stockton.
Delegates to the General Society
Colonel J. W. Scott, Governor Pennington, L. Q. C. Elmer and George C. Thomas.
By-Laws, Rules and Amendments
Resolved, that the eldest son of any member of the Society may be admitted a member of this Society during the life of his father, but shall not be entitled to mileage.
Resolved, that upon the death of a member of this Society having more than one male descendant all such descendants may be admitted as members. These resolutions, according to the rules of the Society, were laid over for consideration till the next annual meeting.
Hereditary Members
The Standing Committee reported that William Buck, of Philadelphia, is entitled to be received as a member of the Society in the place of his brother John Buck, deceased, he was admitted.
Alexander M. Cumming, brother of the late Robt. H. Cumming, deceased, and son of Gen. John Cumming, an original member of this Society having applied to become a member thereof, he was admitted.
Honorary Members
Mr. Elmer moved that Philemon Dickinson, of Trenton, be elected an Honorary Member of this Society, which motion was carried.
Resolved, That Gov. Pennington, the surviving Trustee in conjunction with the Treasurer and L. Q. C. Elmer, if they deem it advisable sell the United States stock belonging to this Society and invest the money in Pennsylvania State Stock, or other stock in their discretion safe, the same to beheld in the names of Wm. Pennington, L. Q. C. Elmer, and the Treasurer, John McDowell as Trustees for the Society.
The Standing Committee report that they have inspected the certificate for the loan of the United States for $10,000, and find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer. They have also examined the Treasurer’s accounts, which they find to be correct, by which it appears that there was in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $58.10, to which add $600, the interest on the loan for the past year will make the sum of $658.10, now in the hands of the Treasurer.
The disbursements made by the Treasurer during the past year are as follows :
Cash paid for traveling expenses
Cash paid for donations
Cash paid to the General Society
Dinner bill at Trenton
Mr. Elmer moved that the Treasurer be authorized to procure blank certificates of membership to be sealed with the seal of the Society for each member at a cost not exceeding $10. Carried unanimously.
The Standing Committee report that the sum of $340 will be available for donations, and they recommend that it be divided equally among the following persons:
Miss Thomas. Miss Stout, Miss Buck, Miss Ogden, Mrs. Barber, Miss De Hart, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Amelia C. Dayton, Miss E. C. Barber, and Phoebe A. C. Barber, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Kollock. Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. R. Buck, Mrs. Whitlock, Mrs. Lloyd and Miss Sally Dayton. Recommendations adopted.
The President communicated to the Society that since the last meeting, our brother, Robert D. Spencer, Esqr., had departed this life. Ordered, that the Secretary provide crape and that the Society wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days.
The Standing Committee reported that the deceased brother, Robert D. Spencer, was a member of that Committee, and they request the Society to appoint for the day, a member to supply his place, whereupon the Society appointed Charles F. Hendry.
The Society then proceeded to the church and hstened to an oration delivered by Govr. Pennington. The Declaration of Independence was read by Mr. Royal.
Mr. Elmer moved that the Treasurer be authorized to procure blank certificates of membership to be sealed with the seal of the Society for each member, at a cost not exceeding ten dollars. Carried unanimously.
Dr. Halsey moved that the President be requested to furnish a corrected statement of the original members and legitimate successors to this time, which was adopted.
Dr. Halsey moved that the thanks of the Society be tendered to the Hon. Wm. Pennington for his able and excellent address and request that a copy be furnished to the Secretary and placed in the archives of the Society, which was adopted.
L. Q. C. Elmer moved the following resolution. Resolved, That the eldest son of any member of the Society may be admitted a member of this Society during the life of his father, but shall not be entitled to mileage. Second, That upon the death of a member of this Society having more than one male descendant, all such descendants may be admitted as members. Laid over until next meeting.