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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Matthias Ogden, William Llovd, J. A. Pennington, R. D. Spencer, A. C. Hyer, L. O. C. Elmer, J. L Beatty.

Delegates to the General Society

Colonel Scott, L. Q. C. Elmer, George C. Thomas.

Hereditary Members

On motion the Society went into consideration of the Resolutions relative to the succession and admission of members “adopted by the General Society of Cincinnati, at their Triennial Meeting held in Baltimore, on the 17th day of May, 1854, and recommended by them for adoption by the several State Societies, and which resolutions are in the words following:

I. Resolved, that each State Society shall have the full right and power to regulate the admission of members, both as to the qualifications of members, and the terms of admission, provided that admission be confined to the male descendants of original members, or of those who are now members (including collateral branches, as contemplated by the original constitution), or to the male descendants of such officers of the Army or Navy, as may have been entitled to admission, but who failed to avail themselves thereof, within the time limited by the Constitution, or to the male descendants of such officers of the Army or Navy of the Revolution, as may have resigned with honor, or left the service with reputation, or to the male collateral relations of any officer, who died in service, without leaving any issue.

2. Resolved, that the male descendants of those, who were members of the State Societies, which have been dissolved, may be admitted into existing Societies, upon such terms as those Societies think proper to prescribe.

3. Resolved, That the foregoing Resolutions be proposed to the several State Societies, and their assent be requested thereto, and upon assent given by each of the remaining Societies, the Secretary General shall issue notice thereof to each Society, and thereupon the said Resolutions shall become operative and each State Society shall be at liberty to act upon the power given thereby.

It was thereupon, Resolved, that the New Jersey State Society of Cincinnati do not assent to the above Resolutions, passed by the General Society of Cincinnati.


The Standing Committee report, that they have examined the accounts of Robert D. Spencer, Esq., late Treasurer of this’ Society and find the same correct, by which it appears that there was a balance in the Treasurer’s hands on the 4th of July, 1854 of $13.25.

They report that the interest on $10,000 amounting to $600 has been received by the late Treasurer, which with $13.25 in his hands as above stated makes the sum $613.25.

The following disbursements have been made by the late Treasurer:

Cash paid members for traveling expenses $112.60
Cash paid for donations 322.00
J. W. Scott for expenses to General Society 39.40
George C. Thomas for expenses to General Society 39.40
For tassel and cord for flag 5.00
For crape 1.81
For dinner bill 235.62
Total $755.83
Balance in hands of Treasurer 13.25

They recommend that the Hon. Judge Elmer be paid the assessment on the New Jersey State Society made at the meeting held in Charleston in February last, amounting to $10.


The Standing Committee report that there will be available the present year for donations the sum of $270 and they recommend that it be divided equally among each of the following persons:

Miss Thomas, Miss Stout, Miss Reckless, Miss Ogden, Mrs. Barber, Miss DeHart, Mrs. Hyer, Miss Lloyd, Mis? Butler, Mrs. Williamson and Miss A. G. Dayton (jointly). Miss Sally Dayton, Misses E. C. Barber and P. A. O. Barber (jointly), Mrs. Kollock, Mrs. Buck.

Mrs. Buck, widow of John Buck, late deceased, and formerly a member of this Society, having through Lucius Q. C. Elmer applied to this Society for relief, she being in indigent circumstances with two small children; the committee recommend that her name be placed on the list of the recipients of this Society for relief. The Committee recommend that a donation of $18 be paid to George Whitlock, son of Col. Ephraim Whitlock, late deceased, formerly an original member of this society, he having made application for relief, and that the same be paid to George C. Thomas. Recommendations adopted.


The President, having announced the death of John Buck, late a member of this Society, it was Resolved, that the usual badge of mourning for him be worn for thirty days.

The Society, joined by a body of Citizens, and escorted by the Military, then proceeded to the State House, when, after a prayer and the reading of the Declaration of Independence, an oration was delivered by Joseph P. Bradley, Esqr.

The services being ended the Society returned to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.

Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be presented to Joseph P. Bradley, Esqr., for his eloquent and appropriate oration, and that he be requested to furnish a copy thereof to be deposited in our archives.

It was reported by L. Q. C. Elmer, Esqr., that he was cordially received by the General Society, which met at Charleston in February last, whose proceedings were accepted by this Society ; and it was then Resolved by the General Society, that a special meeting of delegates from the different State Societies be held at Trenton in May, 1856.

The delegates to the special meeting above mentioned appointed by this Society were Govr. Pennington, the Honorable Lucius Q. C. Elmer, Col. J. W. Scott, Geo. C. Thomas, and General Cadwallader.