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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Henry Schenck Harris, John Clarke Sims, William P. Barber, F. Wolcott Jackson, William W. Ballard, Paul A. Hendry, John L. Caldwalder.

Delegates to the General Society

William S. Stryker, Henry S. Harris, Samuel M. Shute, William C. Spencer, John C. Sims.


John L. Cadwalader, Timothy M. Cheesman, Frank L. Humphreys, Franklin D. Howell.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee recommend that Luther Murphy Halsey be elected an Hereditary Member in place of his late father Luther Foster Halsey, and that Frederick Alexander Canfield be elected an Hereditary Member under Rule 2; that Charles Abercrombie Sims be admitted in place of his father Clifford Stanley Sims; Waldron Phoenix Belknap be admitted in place of his father Robert Lenox Belknap; Richard Wayne Stites be admitted in place of his father Richard Montgomery Stites as Hereditary Members of the Society. They were admitted.

The Standing Committee would recommend that the application of Thaddeus Kosciusko Chutkowski be laid over for action at the February meeting.


The Standing Committee would respectfully report that they have examined the Trustees’ accounts and find the assets of the Society July 1, 1896, to be

of which there belongs to income account 680.95
Leaving to the capital account $23,614.25

The Treasurer’s accounts have been audited and found correct.

The Treasurer’s receipts from all sources have been $1,406.25
Disbursements 1,086.63
Leaving a balance of $319.62
which with the amount in the Trustees’ hands belonging to the income account 680.95
Makes an available income $1,000.57

Resolved, that at each annual meeting of the Society a Trust Company shall be selected as the custodian for its securities, to collect interest and dividends and to deposit the same to the credit of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey in a depository to be designated by the Society, the funds thus deposited to be drawn upon by the Treasurer.

Resolved, that the office of Trustee is hereby abolished.

Resolved, that the Gerard Trust Company of Philadelphia. Pa., be selected as the custodian of the Society’s securities.

Resolved, that the First National Bank of Freehold is appointed as the depository of the income of the Society. Referred to the Committee on By-Laws.


Your Standing Committee would recommend that a donation of $50 be paid to Miss Elizabeth Barber. Recommendation adopted.


The Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, met this day at the Elberon Hotel.

The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chaplain, Samuel Moore Shute.

The minutes of the annual meeting, July 4th, 1895, and the adjourned meeting of July 4th, 1895, held February 22d, 1896, also of the Special meeting of March 28th, 1896. were read and approved.

Your Committee, on Memorial Tablets, having been informed in September, 1895, that the Bucks County Historical Society, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, proposed to erect a monumental tablet at Taylorsville, near the spot where Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas night of 1776, at the suggestion of Judge Sims, resolved to erect a tablet in the name of our Society on the New Jersey side of the river, and, if possible, to dedicate the New Jersey Monument on the same day that the monument on the Pennsylvania side was dedicated.

The plan was carried out, the tablet was made and placed upon a block of granite in a lot which was deeded to the New Jersey Society by the living heirs of the Nedson Estate, and on October 15th, 1895, this monument was dedicated in the little village of Washington’s Crossing, Mercer County, New Jersey.

General Stryker, of this Society, made the historical address at the meeting, and copies of this will be given to all who desire.

The Committee appointed by Acting President Buck at the extraordinary meeting of the Society held at the State House, Trenton, N. J., March 28th, 1896, to prepare resolutions relative to the death of our late President, Honorable Clifford Stanley Sims reported:

Resolved, that the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, has learned with profound sorrow of the death on March 3d, 1896, at Trenton, New Jersey, of the Honorable Clifford Stanley Sims then President of the Society:

Resolved, that the Society hereby expresses its high appreciation of his lofty character and eminent intellectual ability, and also its grateful estimation of the great value of his years of devoted service to its advancement and welfare:

Resolved, that the solicitous sympathy of the Society be extended to the bereaved widow and children of our beloved brother, and that in manifestation thereof these resolutions be spread in full on the minutes, and an engrossed copy be delivered to the family of the deceased President.

On motion, the resolutions were adopted, and the Secretary was directed to have an engrossed copy prepared and delivered to the family.

Mr. H. D. Maxwell offered a resolution that two flags be procured for the Society, one a National Flag, the other the Flag of the Society.

The resolution was referred to the Standing Committee with power.

Resolved, that the office of Trustees is hereby abolished.

An adjournment was taken to enable the members and guests to partake of the dinner and listen to the toasts and addresses.