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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

The adjourned annual meeting of July 4th, 1896, of the Society, was held in the Trenton House, Trenton, N. J., today.

The report of the Trustees was received, accepted, and ordered placed on file.

Whereas, Mr. W. C. Spencer has presented to the Society two typewritten copies of the minutes from 1872 to 1895, therefore, the Secretary be directed to tender him the thanks of the Society for his considerate action.

Whereas, it has come to the knowledge of the Society that we have lost the following members by death, viz.: Col. W. Potter, Major W. R. Kinney and Hon. Mercer Beasley, it is ordered that resolutions of sympathy be sent to the families of the deceased members, and spread upon the minutes.

The thanks of the Society is extended to the Trenton Monument Association for the passes placed at the disposal of the Society.

The Committee on By-Laws reported progress and asked to be continued.

Mr. T. T. Kinney was elected a member of the Tablet Committee.

A recess was taken to allow the members and guests to partake of the dinner, after which the meeting was called to order by the President, the Institution of the Society was read by the Secretary, and Washington’s farewell address by Mr. F. W. Jackson.

The Rev. Dr. Mott, Vice-President of the New Jersey Historical Society, delivered an oration.