The Standing Committee would respectfully report that they have examined the accounts of the Trustee and find the assets of the Society July 1, 1897, to be
of which there belongs to income
Leaving the capital account
The Treasurer’s accounts have been audited and it is found that he has received from all sources
His disbursements have been
Income account in Trustees’ hands
Available income July 5, 1897
Your Standing Committee would recommend that a donation of $50 be paid to Miss Elizabeth Barber. Recommendation adopted.
The following recommendations of the Standing Committee were adopted:
That whereas, on account of increasing age and ill-health our chaplain, Rev. Dr. Samuel Moore Shute, has offered his resignation, Resolved that the same be not accepted.
That all “Eagles” that in the future may be purchased by honorary members are, at the death of the honorary member, to be surrendered to the President of the Society, who is directed to cause the Treasurer to pay to the legal representative of such deceased member a sum not to exceed $35 for the same. Notice of this requirement is to be given to each honorary member upon his election.
That the Committee on Roster be directed, in preparing the same, to publish only the military, civil and educational records of members.
That the President be directed to purchase Cincinnati literature and have the same bound and stamped with the name of the Society. Not more than $50 to be expended in any one year for this purpose.
That the Secretary be directed to have identification cards prepared for the purpose of enabling members to purchase ribbon and insignia, and that the Secretary-General be notified of this action.
The Standing Committee reported the death of Colonel Anthony Eugene Stocker of Philadelphia, Pa., who died in that city May 23, 1897. They would recommend that a minute be prepared and sent to the family of the deceased. Recommendation adopted.
The Secretary was directed to extend a vote of thanks to Mr. A. O. Dayton for the train accommodations that had been made for the members.
The Committee on By-laws presented their report, and on motion it was Resolved, That the consideration of the By-laws be deferred to the February meeting and that a printed copy be sent to each member of the Society.
That in the notice of the February meeting the Secretary be directed to notify members that the adoption of the by-laws would come up at that time.”
A recess was taken to allow the members and guests to partake of the dinner, after which the Society was called to order by the President. The Declaration of Independence was read by the Secrtary, Mr. Imlay.
Addresses were made by Dr. E. Weirfield of Lafayette College and the Rev. Dr. Baker, of Wilmington, Delaware.
The President appointed Messieurs Howell, Stockton and Harris a Committee of Arrangements for the adjourned meeting to be held at Princeton, New Jersey, February 22, 1898.