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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Pursuant to adjournment, the Society met in Princeton, N. J. The minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.

The Standing Committee made the following recommendation, which was adopted:

That the consideration of the proposed new By-laws be deferred until the meeting in July, 1898.

A communication from the Rev. Dr. Shute was received and on motion his resignation was accepted. The Secretary was directed to express the regret of the Society to Dr. Shute in thus losing his presence and advice.

A recess was taken for dinner, after which the Society was called to order by the President. The Institution was read by the Secretary and the Declaration of Independence by Mr. F. W. Jackson.

Dr. T. M. Cheesman read a paper on “The Campaign Before Quebec.” Addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. F. Patton, Capt. Mahan and Commissioner Enright.

On motion adjourned.