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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Henry Schenck Harris, John Clarke Sims, William P. Barber, F. Wolcott Jackson, William W. Ballard, Paul A. Hendry, John L. Caldwalder.

Delegates to the General Society

Messrs. Stryker, Harris, Sims, Howell, Imlay.


Messrs. Cadwalader, Cheesman, Campbell, Humphreys, Ballard.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee recommend:

Mr. Willis G. Kinney, of Louisville, Ky., be admitted as the representative of Capt. John Kinney: Mr. Holmes B. Stevens, of Rochester, N. Y., be admitted as the representative of Capt. John Burrows; Mr. John Hart Polhemus, of San Francisco, Cal., be admitted as the representative of Capt. John Polhemus. Mr. Washington B. Powell, of Philadelphia, Pa., be admitted under Rule 2, as the representative of Captain Cornelius Hennion. Mr. Herman John Grosbeck, of Cincinnati, Ohio, be admitted as the representative of Surgeon General William Burnet.

That Mr. Weston Spies Gales, of Elizabeth, N. J., be admitted as the representative of Colonel Oliver Spencer. The recommendations of the Committee were adopted and the gentlemen were admitted to membership with the exception of Mr. Grosbeck. Information having been received that Mr. Robert Wallace Burnet had left a son who would be the natural representative of Surgeon General William Burnet.

It was recommended that the application of Mr. T. K. Chutkowski be referred back to him with the request that he furnish more data before the next annual meeting.


The Standing Committee report that the Treasurer’s accounts have been audited and found correct.

They show that the total receipts for the year have been

The expenditures 1,849.30
Leaving a balance of $870.42


Resolved, that $50 be donated to Miss Elizabeth Barber.


The meeting was called to order by the President. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The several recommendations of the Standing Committee were adopted with the exception of the sixth, which was rejected, as information was given the Society that Mr. Robert Wallace Burnet had left a son who would be the natural representative of Surgeon General William Burnet.

The Committee on Flags reported progress.

A recess was taken for dinner, after which the President called the Society to order. The Institution was read by the Secretary, and addresses made by guests of the Society.