Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
The Flag Committee report that they had procured proper colors for the Society, consisting of a United States flag, a New Jersey State flag, and a Cincinnati Standard. The flags would be displayed for the first time at the dinner this evening.
The report of the Committee was received and accepted, and the Committee discharged with the thanks of the Society.
The Standing Committee recommend that a certified copy of the following resolution, which is now offered and recommended to the Society for adoption, be sent to Hon. Charles S. Littlefield, member of Congress from Maine, Washington, D. C, viz.: “Resolved, That the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, desires to express its unanimous wish that the Congress of the United States would see fit to make an appropriation for a suitable monument to the memory of General Henry Knox, the distinguished Chief of Artillery of the American Army in the War of the Revolution, and we hereby memorialize Congress to grant this petition.”
The following resolutions were unanimously adopted. Resolved, that this Society express to its fellow member, the Rev. Doctor Frank L. Humphreys, their pleasure and gratitude in accepting from him the gift of the President’s gavel, made from the wood of a tree grown at Mount Vernon.
Resolved, that this Society, at its semi-annual meeting on Washington’s Birthday, desires to place on record its hearty expressions of satisfaction at the dignified and fitting ceremonial instituted and carried out by the General Society of this Order, on the fourteenth of December last, at Saint Paul’s Chapel, New York, in commemoration of the death of the illustrious Father of his country.
A recess being taken for the purpose of partaking of dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria where were gathered representatives of all the State Societies of the Cincinnati, and the following distinguished guests:
Hon. J. B. Pioda, Minister Plenipotentiary of the Swiss Republic, Washington, D. C; Hon. John S. Wise; Colonel Theodore A. Dodge, U. S. A.; Mr. William Nelson; Rev. J. B. Chidwick, of the “Maine,” and Mr. J. C. Tomlinson. All of whom addressed the Society.