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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Mr. William Lloyd, Mr. Francis Barber, Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims, Mr. Robert Morris Boggs, Mr. John Clarke Sims, Hon. John Fitch, Commodore Charles Henry Baldwin, U.S.N.

Delegates to the General Society

Rev. Charles Clinton Beatty, D.D., Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims, Mr. Francis Barber Ogden, Hon. John Thompson Nixon, Hon. John Fitch.


William Bowen Buck, Rev. Dr. William Henry Hornblower, Hon. Joseph G. Scott, Hon. John Lambert Cadwalader, Commodore Charles H. Baldwin, U.S.N.

By-Laws, Rules and Amendments

* The Standing Committee recommend that Rule 2, regarding the admission of members, be amended to read as follows:

Rule 2. Hereafter all the descendants of officers of the Continental Line of the Army or Navy of the Revolution, who were members to the original institution or were qualified for admission thereto, shall be eligible to membership, with succession thereto, in this State Society; but such memberships shall be upon the following conditions: each applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his good character and moral worth and except such as may be entitled in lineal succession from his father or other progenitor, shall pay into the Treasury of the Society the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, if his application be based upon his representation of an officer of the New Jersey line, and five hundred dollars if his application be based upon his representation of an officer of any other State line. Membership other than that of the eldest male line of an original member shall be so designated.

The Proposed amendment to Rule 2, regulating the admission of members, was laid over, in accordance with the rule.

They also recommend that in the matter of Invitations, the Resolution of 1880 suspended the operation of By Law XVII, but under By Law XVIII on amendments did not repeal it. Your Committee would, therefore, recommend the suspension of the rules and the repeal of By Law XVII and the adoption of the following in its place.

The President Shall be empowered to invite not exceeding three guests to dine with the Society at the annual dinner. All members desiring to invite a friend shall notify the Secretary at least ten days previous to the day of meeting, enclosing him $5.00, and he shall forward them a letter of invitation for the party designated in the name of the Society; members shall be held personally responsible to the Society for the propriety of the invitations issued by their request. This rule does not affect the members of other State Societies who may desire to be present.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee have received the following applications for admission to the Society:

1. Conway H. Arnold, Lieut, commanding U.S.S. Wyandotte, great grandson of Lieut. Col. John Conway.

2. Alexander Chambers Hyer, grand nephew of Ensign Jacob Hyer.

3. Franklin Anderson Heard, grandson of Capt. John Heard. They find that there are no descendants in the male line of Lieut. Col. John Conway, and they therefore, recommend the admission of the applicant, under the right reserved by the Society to choose from among the descendants in the female lines and the one to be admitted. They also recommend the admission of Franklin Anderson Heard, he being the eldest son of William B. Heard. In regard to the application of Alexander Chambers Hyer, the Committee would report that it is their opinion he is entitled to admission, being the eldest son of Alexander Chambers Hyer, who was admitted in 1842. They were admitted.

Your Committee would report that by the death of William Berrian Dayton, his only son Hughes Dayton, now aged seven years, becomes the heir and representative of his great great grandfather Brigadier General Elias Dayton.

Your Committee are in receipt of the following communication from the Hon. John Fitch:

New York, 12th May, 1881.

To the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey:

The petition of John Fitch, respectfully shows that the undersigned was elected a member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, under Rule 2, for the admission of members, as heir and representative of Captain Andrew Fitch, 4th Regt. Connecticut Infantry. It has since come to the knowledge of your petitioner that his great grandfather, the said Captain Andrew Fitch, was an original member of the Connecticut State Society, as shown in the annexed certificate, he therefore, begs that the record be amended so as to read that he was admitted as heir and representative of Captain Andrew Fitch. The Connecticut Society being at this time dormant.

(Signed) John Fitch,
Fifth Avenue Hotel,
(Certificate) New York.

United States Court Building.
New York, 12th May, 1881.

F. B. Ogden, Esq.,
Secretary New Jersey State Society Cincinnati.

Dear Sir:

In a personal examination by me made of the rolls of the Connecticut Society of Cincinnati (Original), deposited with the Connecticut Historical Society in Hartford shown me in April, 1880, by the Hon. J. Hammond Trumbull, LL.D., President of the Society, I found the name of Capt. Andrew Fitch, 4th Regt. Conn. Cont. Infantry as among the original members and that he does not appear to have attended other meetings than the one in which he was admitted.

Very respectfully yours,
Asa Bird Gardner,
Assistant Secretary R. I. Society.

Your Committee suggest acceptance and advise amendment of roll accordingly. Record was amended.

Honorary Members

Some question as to the status of Honorary Members having arisen it was on motion, resolved, that Honorary Members of this Society are justly entitled to and are hereby invested with all the rights and privileges now inherent in the Hereditary Members excepting the transmission of membership to their posterity.


The Standing Committee report that the present permanent fund of the Society is $12,000, being par value of investments.

That they have examined the accounts for the past year as rendered by Herman Burgin, the acting Treasurer, and find the same correct. By this there is shown to be in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $703.70, after allowing the following disbursements made during the year, viz.:

Attendance Fees $270.00
Dinner Bill, etc 195.50
Donations 225.00
Secy. Bill and Printing 40.00
Fidelity Trust Co 3.85
Genl. Soc. Assessment 20.00

Your Committee submit the following report of the Trustees.

That they have sold $14,000 of securities for $14,216.25 and have purchased $11,000 of securities for $13,742.50, the balance remaining in their hands without interest is $473.75.

The present assets of the Society are:

$3,000 N. J. 6 per cent. Coupon Bonds No. 247, 248, 249, due 1899, Market Value $3,915.00
$3,000 West Jersey R. R. Co. Coupon Bonds No. 817, 818, 819, due 1896, M. V 3,607.50
$3,000 N. J. 6 per cent. Registered Bonds Nos. 828, 829, 830, due 1895, M. V 3,810.00
$500 N. J. 6 per cent. Coupon Bond No. 17, due 1893, Market Value 625.00
$2,000 N. J. 6 per cent. Registered Bonds Nos. 1,076, 1,077, due 1890. Market Value 2,410.00
$500 U. S. 6 per cent. Coupon Bond No. 45,475, due 1881, Market Value 500.00
Cash on deposit with accrued interest to July 1, 1881 537.39
Total $15,404.89

The West Jersey R. R. Co. Bonds are those issued under a mortgage dated January 1, 1866 to Abraham Browning, John T. Nixon and William H. Gatzmer, Trustees, for $1,000,000.


Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $25 be appropriated to each of the following persons: Mrs. John Buck, the Misses Lloyd, Miss Mary DeHart, Miss Sally O. Dayton, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Julia A. Pennington, Mrs. Catharine Dunham and Mrs. Elizabeth F. Allen. Recommendations adopted.


In the absence of the Chaplain the meeting was opened by prayer by the Rev. Dr. Beatty, Vice-President.

At the request of the President the Asst. Secretary read the Principles of the Society.

The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. The President announced to the Society the death since the last meeting of the Treasurer, Mr. William Berrian Dayton, the Rev. Dr. Luther Halsey, Mr. Alexander Chambers Hyer, and Mr. William D. Heard.

The Standing Committee report that they have received from Doctor Herman Burgin a new press and seal which he presented to the Society to replace the old one which has become worn and damaged by age. His die is executed in the highest style of engraving, and may be justly considered a work of art of which the Society may be proud. Your Committee therefore recommend that it be Resolved, that the seal presented by Doctor Burgin be accepted and adopted, and that the thanks of the Society be given to Doctor Burgin for his generous gift. It was adopted.

The Committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution:

Be it Resolved that the President General of the Cincinnati be respectfully requested to convene an extra meeting of the General Society in the City of New York or such other point as he may designate on or about 13 October, 1881, to receive, consider, and act upon the report of the Committee on rules or ordinances, to make arrangements for the Society to be represented officially at Yorktown and such other matters as may be presented. It was adopted.

Resolved, by the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, that they hear with regret and abhorrence of the attempted murder of the President of the United States, and would express deep sympathy for his family in their sorrow and an earnest hope that God may in his infinite mercy spare him to the country. That the Secretary forward a copy of this resolution to the Secretary of State of the United States. It was adopted.

*The following two recommendations of the Standing Committee were never acted upon. — W. B. T. S. Imlay, Secretary.