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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Colonel Alexander M. Cumming, Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims, Mr. William Lloyd, Mr. Robert M. Boggs, Mr. Francis Barber, Hon. John Fitch, Mr. John Clarke Sims.

Delegates to the General Society

Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer, Rev. Charles C. Beatty, D.D., Judge John T. Nixon, Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims, Francis Barber Ogden.


William B. Buck, Hon. John Fitch, Herman Burgin.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee has received the following application for admission to the Society. Horace Phillips, only son of Jonathan Dickinson Phillips a member of this Society and great grandson of Capt. Jonathan Phillips, an original member, and having examined the same recommend his admission. He was admitted.

Honorary Members

It was moved that Gen. Gershom Mott be excused for non-attendance at the meetings of the Society and restored to his position as an Honorary Member at the date of his election in 1867.

The Hon. Joel Parker and General S. Duncan Oliphant being nominated as Honorary Members, rules being suspended, they were elected.


The Standing Committee report that the present permanent fund of the Society is composed of $15,000.

That they have examined the accounts for the past year as rendered by Wm. B. Dayton, Treasurer, and find the same correct. By this there is shown to be in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $956.31, after allowing the following several disbursements made during the year, viz:

Attendance Fees $260.00
Donations 325.00
Secretary’s Bill 16.92
Expenses of Delegates to General Society 41.00
Dinner Bill 206.00
Safe Deposit Co 7.50
Sundries 3.40

An appropriation was ordered of not to exceed $25. for the purchase of ten yards of deep blue watered ribbon edged with white for the use of the members of the Society.

It being brought to the attention of the Society that, owing to the calling in of certain of the securities now held by the Society, that reinvestment of the funds becomes necessary. It was resolved by a unanimous vote, that By-Law No. 12 be suspended so that the Trustees and Standing Committee can make any investment of the permanent fund to the best of their ability.


Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $25 be appropriated to each of the following persons:

The Misses Lloyd, Miss Mary A. Thomas, Miss Sarah O. Dayton, Miss Mary E. DeHart, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Alice Ogden, Miss Julia A. Pennington, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Allen, Mrs. G. A. Dunham, Miss E. J. Reckless, Miss Mary Gumming, Mrs. E. W. Lott, and Mrs. John Buck. Recommendations adopted.


In the absence of the Chaplain, at the request of the President the meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Doctor William H. Hornblower.

An appropriation was ordered of not to exceed $25 for the purchase of ten yards of deep blue watered ribbon edged with white for the use of the members of the Society.

The thanks of the Society were tendered to the Hon. John Fitch for his presentation of a book in which to record the Roll of the Society.

The thanks of the Society were tendered to the Hon. Nathaniel Greene, for his presentation of the life of Major General Greene, and the Secretary instructed to so advise him.

The recommendation of the Committee relative to the obtaining portraits of members for use in some future memorial volume was approved by the Society.

The report was then adopted as a whole.

It was moved and duly seconded that whereas it appears by the minutes of the meeting held July 4th, 1878, that Hon. John L. Cadwalader was not present and, whereas, it further appears that the said John L. Cadwalader was not present at the time of the calling of the roll, through circumstances beyond his control, but subsequently was present, Be it resolved, that the name of the Hon. John Cadwalader be recorded among those present at that meeting. Which was adopted.

It was moved and duly seconded, that whereas the Citizens of Monmouth County are making efforts to erect a monument upon the battle ground near Monmouth Court House, to perpetuate the memory of the gallant officers and men who fought for independence on that field, June 28th, 1778.

And, whereas, such efforts have thus far met with great success, but to erect a memorial worthy the event more funds are needed.

Therefore, resolved, that we recommend the patriotic object to the people of this and other States, and respectfully urge them to aid by liberal subscriptions, which was adopted.