Colonel Ogden, General Giles, Captain Hendry, Major Ballard, General Beatty, Colonel Kinney, Captain Shute, Colonel Rhea, Colonel Stout.
Governor Howell, Captain Dayton, Colonel Ogden, General Bloomfield, General Beatty.
The Standing Committee have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the sum of $5,373.46 of six per cent, stock, and the sum of $1,879.17 of the deferred debt of the United States. The Treasurer has agreeably to a former order of the Society sold the sum of $2,262.91. being the whole of three per cent, stock belonging to the funds of this Society, from the proceeds of which, with the addition of $300 in cash, he has added to the six per cent, stock the sum of $1,875.90.
The Committee still find in the Treasurer’s hands the final settlement certificate for $40. paid forwani by William Lloyd, Esq., and which may now be funded by a late law of the United States. The Committee find that the Treasurer has received in addition to the balance reported to be in his hands at the last meeting, the further sum of $403.10, and that he hath paid for the purchase of the six per cent, stock as above reported the sum of $300: for the expenses of the Society on the last Anniversary at Elizabeth Town. $102.37 and also the sum of $50 paid to William Shute, Esq., for the use of the widow of Capt. William Piatt and that there remains a balance in cash in his hands of the sum of $84.05.
A letter from Lieut. Abraham Stout, dated Mason County, State of Kentucky, May 10, 1798, addressed to Captain Jonathan Phillips, being laid before the Society, stated that the said Lieut. Stout is in very indigent circumstances, and will not afford a sufficient education for his children; whereupon Resolved, that the Treasurer transmit forty dollars to the said Lieut. Abraham Stout to be applied to the education of his children.
Application having been made to the Standing Committee in behalf of the widow of the late Major Hollinshead, the committee recommend that the sum of thirty dollars be paid forward to General Bloomfield for the purpose of paying the funeral charges of the said deceased; and if there should be any residue that it be applied to the schooling of his children.
A letter from John Stotesbury, late a Captain in the Pennsylvania line, stating his total disability to procure a subsistence for himself and family by means of his wounds having afflicted him unusually for some time past, and that he is therefore obliged to throw himself upon the funds of the benevolent institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, was read. But it not being attended with any documents to show that he is entitled to the benefit of its fund by being a member ;
Resolved, that Captain Stotesbury‘s application be postponed till the next anniversary meeting, and that he be informed that it will be necessary for him to show that he is entitled to claim the benefits of the funds of the Society by being a member in full standing.
Resolved, that the President express to Dr. Armstrong the thanks of this meeting for his excellent oration and request a copy to be deposited among the archives of this Society.
The Committee appointed to compare the laws of the Society with the alterations, etc., having given satisfactory reasons for not proceeding in the business, were discharged.
Col. Ogden, Genl. Bloomfield and General Giles were appointed a Committee to compare a draft of an address to the President of the United States, expressive of our entire approbation of his firm and wise administration, and our unshaken resolution to support with our persons and property, every constitutional measure of our country; and to report it as soon as possible.
Two affidavits were read in the Society respecting certain conduct of Captain Nathaniel Leonard, which were ordered to be filed. Resolved, that the Secretary be ordered to furnish Captain Leonard with a copy of said affidavits and cite him to appear at the next meeting of the Society on the 4th of July, 1799 to answer. And that in the meantime Captain Leonard be suspended.
Resolved, that those members who have any blank diplomas in their hands signed by the President-General of the Society be requested to produce them at the next anniversary meeting.
The Committee appointed to prepare an address to the President of the United States reported a draft; which, being considered and amended, was unanimously agreed to and adopted, and is as follows:
To John Adams, President of the United States:
The members of the Society of the Cincinnati of New Jersey this day convened at their annual meeting, for the purpose of perpetuating their friendships, and of commemorating together the great events which gave independence to the United States, do now beg leave in common with our fellow citizens to address our chief magistrate for the purpose of expressing our entire satisfaction with his administration of the government, and in particular as it relates to the injuries and insults which have been received from the French Republic, as also of making assurance of our readiness again to take the field in obedience to any call of our country, in vindication of its national honor, and in support of that independence, for the establishment of which we patiently endured the toils, hardships and dangers of an eight years war.
Whilst we contemplate another and perhaps more arduous struggle for the independence of our country, we are too sensible of its cost and value, not to be willing again and again to put our lives and all we hold dear on earth, at the hazard, and should our country, by reason of intestine divisions (which we trust are vainly counted upon) fail in asserting her national rights against the aggressions of that ambitious and haughty nation, which in pursuit of her objects, sets at defiance all laws human and divine, we shall consider that all our labors and victories past shall have been in vain, and that the independence which we are this day celebrating will, instead of being a blessing to us, only show our folly in assuming rights we had not the spirit to defend.
Under these solemn impressions we pray you Sir, to place the utmost reliance on the sincerity of our declaration, when we profess our readiness to offer on the altar of our country, whatever services may be derived from that knowledge and experience in military affairs, acquired by us during the revolutionary war, and which yet remain after the deaths of so many of our companions in arms; and we trust. Sir, that new and still more glorious victories are in store for us, when we shall have rallied at the voice of our country under that renowned veteran and beloved chief, who in times which tried men’s souls, victoriously conducted us to peace and safety, and whose appointment, this day announced, fills our hearts with the most enthusiastic joy and transport.
By unanimous Order of the Society,
Attest: Elias Dayton, President.
Trenton, July 4. Andrew Hunter, Secretary.
Resolved, that Governor Howell, General Beatty and Col. Rhea be a committee to publish in one or more of the newspapers in Philadelphia and in one in New Jersey, the proceedings of the 4th of July at Trenton.