The Standing Committee report that they have examined the Treasurer’s accounts and find a balance of $14,474.66.
The Standing Committee recommend that Miss Elizabeth Barber receive the customary donation of $75. That Major Piatt be paid at the discretion of the Treasurer, $6 per month. Recommendations adopted.
The meeting was called to order by the President, prayer was offered by the Chaplain.
On motion, the reading of the minutes was omitted.
A communication from the New York State Society through its Secretary, relative to the non-eligibility of Cortlandt Schuyler Van Rennselaer, was ordered placed on file.
A communication from Laura A. Howell, relative to the death of her brother, A. B. Howell, informed the Society that his nephew, Frank W. Nelson, of Burlington, Kansas, was the person next in line to succeed him. The communication was ordered placed on file, and the Secretary was directed to communicate with Mr. Nelson.
A communication from the President was received, but no action was taken thereon.
On motion, of Dr. Cheesman, it was ordered that a nomination committee consisting of five members, two of whom should not be members of the Standing Committee, be appointed.
Messrs. F. D. Howell and P. A. Hendry were appointed a committee to examine the securities held by the designated depository for securities owned by the Society, that they make an examination just prior to the annual meeting, and at the same time obtain from the safe depository the amount of income paid to the Treasurer for the year next preceding the annual meeting, and report to the Standing Committee.
It was resolved, that the Secretary be and is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase for the Society at a reasonable price, one copy of “Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolution,” edited by General W. S. Stryker, and published by authority of the State of New Jersey, and also one copy of “Heitmans’ Historical Register of Officers in the Continental Army.”
The Secretary was directed to extend the thanks of the Society to the Washington Headquarters Association for the use of the Headquarters and for courtesies extended.
The nominating committee reported through its Secretary, Mr. Montgomery, that they would present the names of all officers for re-election with the exception of that of the present Secretary, Mr. Imlay, and whereas the Assistant Secretary declined the position, they would present the name of Dr. Cheesman for Secretary, and Mr. Imlay for member of the Standing Committee in place of Dr. Cheesman.
They would also recommend that a set of engrossed resolutions be presented to Mr. Imlay for his long and faithful services.
The report of the Committee in so far as it related to Mr. Imlay was rejected.