The Standing Committee report that the Treasurer’s accounts have been audited and found correct and they were approved.
Total amount received was
Total amount expended was
Balance, July 4, 1903
The Standing Committee recommend the following donations, viz: $50 to Miss Elizabeth Barber and $6 per month to Major J. H. Piatt. Recommendations adopted.
The annual meeting of the Society was called to order by the President.
The minutes of July 4th, 1902, were read and approved.
The Standing Committee reported that the Treasurer’s accounts had been audited, found correct, and approved.
The Standing Committee reported the following deaths:
The Secretary was directed to send the following minutes to the respective families of our deceased brethren and to spread them on the minutes of the Society:
The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey having heard of the death on October 14, 1902, of Mr. Aaron Ogden Dayton, the grandnephew of Captain Jonathan Dayton, they would tender to his family our deep sense of loss at the death of our fellow-member and our sympathy in this their hour of bereavement.
Whereas, the Society has heard of the death of Mr. William Case Osmun, who died at Plainfield, New Jersey, December 16, 1902, they would tender to the family of our deceased brother the sympathy of the society in this their hour of affliction.
The Special Committee on place of meeting reported as follows:
Your committee appointed to take into consideration the fixing of the place for holding the meetings of the Society in the State of New Jersey, and the advisability of conferring with the Governor of New Jersey in reference to the Society holding their meetings in the State House at Trenton, respectfully report the following resolutions:
1. Resolved, that the meetings of the Society be held at or near some historic locality of Revolutionary interest within the State of New Jersey:
2. Resolved, that President Humphreys, Vice-President Howell, and his Excellency, Governor Murphy, be and hereby are appointed a committee to endeavor to obtain permission for the Society to hold such meetings of the Society as are held in Trenton in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol.
Resolved, that a special committee of not less than three members be appointed by the President, to ascertain what measures, if any, may be adopted to bring into closer affiliation the several State branches of the Society:
Resolved, that the committee ascertain the sentiment of the members of the Societies in adjoining States as to the desirability of uniting as Societies in a joint reunion dinner to be given on the next and subsequent anniversaries of the birthday of Washington, and in case of the approval of any such Society that it recommend the best means for carrying such plan into effect.