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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

The Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, dined at the Hotel Bellevue, Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Fraser offered the following resolution which was adopted:

The Society of the Cincinnati, in the States of New Jersey and Delaware, send cordial greeting to their Sister Society of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in whose territory all are jointly and severally celebrating the one hundred and seventy-first anniversary of the birth of the immortal Father of his country.

The Society of the Cincinnati, in New Jersey and in Delaware, wish their sister Society of Pennsylvania a continuation of her prosperous and honorable career, and trust that each succeeding anniversary of the Nation’s birth and of Washington’s birth may strengthen the ties between all the State branches of our common and ever glorious Society of the Cincinnati.

Several members of the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of Delaware dined with our Society.