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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

The Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, met in the Senate Chamber in the Capitol in Trenton, New Jersey, February 22, 1904, at 12 PM.

The meeting was called to order by the President. In the absence of the Chaplain, prayer was offered by Mr. F. W. Jackson.

The President, Dr. Humphreys, presented the Society with a Cincinnati flag, which was accepted with thanks by Mr. F. W. Jackson, on behalf of the Society.

The Institution was read by the Vice-President, Mr. F. D. Howell.

No business was brought for action before the Society.

The oration was delivered by Hon. John W. Griggs. Addresses were made by Hon. W. Potter and the Bishop of Michigan.

A vote of thanks was given to the Senate and Governor for courtesies extended to the Society, and the Secretary was directed to convey the same.