William Wilmot Ballard, William Pancoast Barber, Paul Augustine Hendry, Henry Dusenbery Maxwell, Henry Applegate Wilson, Timothy Matlack Cheesman, William Pennington.
F. D. Howell, W. T. B. S. Imlay, F. L. Humphreys, J. W. S. Campbell, T. M. Cheesman.
Charles Hornblower Woodruff, , Hughes Dayton, Henry Dusenbery Maxwell, William Pennington.
Mr. Francis McGee, the great great grandson of Deputy Muster Master Joseph Clark, resigned as a member of the Society and it having been found that Joseph Clark was ineligible to membership in this Society, therefore it is ordered, that a note stating this fact be placed opposite his name on the roster. Mr. Philip Nye Jackson was admitted as the great-grandson and representative of Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Huntington, Twentieth Reg’t, Connecticut Militia.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the Treasurer’s accounts and find them correct.
Total amount received was | $1,840.20 |
Total amount expended was | 913.36 |
Leaving a balance of | $926.84 |
The Standing Committee recommend the following donations, viz: $75 Miss Elizabeth Barber.
That the Treasurer communicate with the Superintendent of the Soldiers’ Home relative to Major J. H. Piatt, and that the donation of $6 per month be paid to Major Piatt at the discretion of the Treasurer. Recommendations adopted.
The annual meeting was called to order by the President.
The Standing Committee called attention to the death of Hon. Samuel Howell Gray, an Honorary Member, on December 7, 1903. Of Mr. Horace Phillips on May 7, 1904, and of Mr. Frederick Wolcott Jackson on June 14, 1904.
The following resolution was adopted:
Mr. Frederick Wolcott Jackson was made an honorary member of the Society in 1885 and an Hereditary Member in 1888; a member of the Standing Committee in 1895, and served as Delegate to the General Society until his election as an officer of that body in 1899.
Mr. Jackson, through his integrity and noble bearing, has endeared himself to the members of this Committee, and by his clear intellect materially aided in the deliberations of our body.
Having just passed the age of three-score years and ten, he honorably fulfilled the duties of a more than usually active life, and though his absence from our meetings will be sorely felt, we can but acquiesce in the decree of Providence. Inscribe after his name the record, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
The Secretary was directed to forward a copy of the above resolution to the family of Mr. Jackson.
Dr. Frazer, for the committee, appointed to confer with other Societies relative to a joint dinner, reported as follows: Gentlemen of the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey.
The Committee appointed at the last regular meeting of this Society, to ascertain the sentiment of the members of the Societies, in adjacent States, as to the desirability of uniting (as Societies) in a joint reunion dinner to be given on the next and subsequent anniversaries of the birthday of Washington; and in case of the approval of such Societies to recommend the best means for carrying the plan into effect, has the honor to report as follows:
Your committee deeming it judicious to elicit unofficially the opinions of the various Societies referred to, before recommending this Society to commit itself to a formal invitation, addressed notes to the officers of the Societies in Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, requesting them to inform it, each for his own Society, of the attitude of the members towards the plan above indicated.
The officers of four of the six Societies addressed, viz.: Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware and Maryland, regard with favor the proposition to hold a joint dinner of the Societies of adjacent States on February 22d, but the latter Society will be unable to take part owing to the fact that its annual meeting occurs on that date.
The Society in New York will submit the question to its members on the coming Fourth of July.
The Society in Pennsylvania has pronounced against such a reunion.
In view of these facts your Committee recommends that it be continued for the purpose of receiving the notifications of the Secretaries of the Societies in Rhode Island. Connecticut, New York and Delaware, of the action taken respectively by the Societies of these States at their approaching annual meeting on the Fourth of July.
Upon the receipt of these, the promised notifications, which will be forwarded to the Secretary of this Society, your Committee recommends that the said Secretary be instructed on behalf of this Society to invite through their Secretaries those State Societies which shall have expressed their desire to join in a reunion dinner on the coming 22d of February and subsequent anniversaries of Washington’s birthday, to meet with it in such joint celebration and dinner at such hour and place as the committee of arrangements to be authorized by the respective standing committees of the Societies invited and of this Society, may determine.
Respectfully submitted,
Persifor Frazer, Chairman.
W. T. B. S. Imlay.
William Pennington.
Dr. Frazer also reported the following minority report.
The undersigned members of the committee appointed to consider the matter of bringing into closer affiliation the several State branches of this Society, beg leave to report that they are unable to concur in the report of the majority of this committee, as their recommendations to unite with the other State branches at a meeting on February 22d next, and on subsequent Washington’s birthdays would, if adopted, prevent the carrying out of the present satisfactory arrangements for meeting in the Senate chamber at Trenton, and the purpose of making this place of meeting on February 22d permanent.
William P. Barber.
Hughes Dayton.
Both reports were received and the recommendations of the majority report were adopted.
The Secretary was authorized to procure a stenographer when necessary in transcribing Society matters.