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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Messrs. John N. Cumming, Jonathan Rhea, William Shute, Joseph Bloomfield, Nathaniel Donnell, John Stotesbury, Jonathan Forman, Aaron Ogden and Erkuries Beatty.

Delegates to the General Society

Messrs. Jonathan Dayton, John Beatty, Joseph Bloomfield, Aaron Ogden, Frederick Frelinghuysen.

Hereditary Members

Mr. Ercurius Beatty, a member of the Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania, having become a citizen of this State, and being present, was admitted to take his seat in this Society.


The Standing Committee reported that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find in his hands the sum of $3,373.96 of six per cent, stock of the United States; $1,821.61 of three per cent, stock, and $1,486.98 of deferred stock.

They also find that the Treasurer has received, including the balance in his hands of the last report, the sum of $316.62, and has paid out of the same, $50 for the relief of Mrs. Pike, and one dollar charged by the Treasurer as an error in former settlements, which leaves a balance in his hands of $265.62.


Resolved, that fifty dollars be advanced for the use of the widow and the children of the late Capt. Wm. Piatt and that the Treasurer pay the same to Mr. William Shute, who is desired to take receipts from the said Widow Piatt as the same shall be advanced to her.


Ordered, that Messieurs Richard Howell, James F. Armstrong, and Jonathan Rhea be a committee to have printed as many copies of the Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, together with a list of the members of this Society, and its standing rules and by laws as they may think sufficient for the use of the members.

The Treasurer reported that the diplomas ordered by Messieurs Boudinot and Dayton were printed, but the President General had not signed them. Ordered that Mr. John Beatty be added to the Committee and that they procure and deliver said diplomas as soon as may be to the Treasurer.

Resolved, that Messrs. John N. Cumming, Aaron Ogden and Jonathan Dayton be a committee to inquire into the charges against Mr. John Polhemus, and to make report at the next meeting. Resolved, also, that in the meantime the said John Polhemus be suspended.

Resolved, that Messrs. John N. Cumming, Aaron Ogden, and Jonathan Dayton be a committee to report a plan at the next meeting whereby a general attendance of the members of this Society, may if possible in future, be obtained.