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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Messrs. John N. Cumming, Jonathan Dayton, John Doughty, Nathaniel Donnell, John Heard, Aaron Ogden, Lewis Dunham, Andrew Hunter and William Shute.

Delegates to the General Society

Messrs. Jonathan Dayton, Aaron Ogden, Joseph Bloomfield, Frederick Frelinghuysen.

Hereditary Members

Major John Doughty, member of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York, and Captain John Stotesbury, member of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of Pennsylvania, having removed into the State of New Jersey, and being present, were admitted to take their seats in this Society.

Major Bloomfield from the Committee on the claim of David Lyon[1] to be admitted a member of this Society reported that it does not appear that the Claimant was in the service of the American Army three years in the capacity of an officer.

He also reported that Lieutenant Mahlon Ford was appointed an ensign in the 3rd Jersey Regiment in the Spring of 1777. was deranged on the reform of the army, on account of his ill-health, that Mr. M. Ford’s absence from this State in the western territory in the service of the United States, being within the exception mentioned in the Constitution. He is, therefore, of right a member of this Society.


Resolved, That the Treasurer receive from members who may not have deposited one month’s pay or from persons who may in future be admitted members of this Society, either certificates, as they have been received from other members, or specie, at the option of the member, at the current value of the certificates with the interest.

The Standing Committee reported that there are in the hands of the Treasurer, $3,257 of six per cent, stock, including the sum of $400 purchased in March last, and also $1,746.61 of three per cent, and $1,428.65 of deferred, which have been placed and stand upon the books of the Treasury of the United States in the name of the Treasurer of the Cincinnati of New Jersey or his assigns; and that there is also in his hands the sum of $4.39 in specie.


Resolved, unanimously, that in consideration of the distressed situation of the wife of Capt. Pike[2], the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay from time to time, fifty dollars from the funds of the Society to Mr. John Heard in trust for the use of the wife of the said Capt. Pike, to be given at the discretion of Mr. Heard.


Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be given to the Honorable Elias Boudinot, Esq., Doctor of Laws, for his excellent oration and that he furnish the Society with a copy to be deposited in their archives.

Communication from the State Society of Georgia and from a Committee of the State Society of New York respecting the funding system, with lists of the officers of their respective societies were read and ordered to be filed.

Resolved, that in future the members be recorded in the minutes and called upon in the Society by their names with the appellation of Mr., any former rule to the contrary notwithstanding.

[1] As per Heitman’s Historical register of officers of the Continental Army, David Lyon served from June 28th, 1775, to October, 1776 in the 1st Regiment, New York Line, then as Captain of Spencer’s Continental Regiment, from January 12th, 1777 until his resignation on April 10th, 1778.

[2] The Captain Pike mentioned is Zebulon Pike, who had served with John Heard–entrusted with the donations–in the Fourth Regiment, Continental Dragoons during the Revolution. Pike continued in the Army through the War of 1812, but had reportedly lost much during the Revolution, and gone unremunerated until the final years of his life.