Dr. Isaac Hull Platt, of Lakewood, N. J., made application for admission to membership in the Society under the provisions of Rule 2. The rules being suspended he was admitted to membership in the Society upon the payment by him into the permanent fund of the Society, the sum of $500.
Honorary Members
The rules being suspended the following gentlemen were elected Honorary Members:
The Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Trustees and find the same correct. The present market value of the securities and stock held by the Society amounts in the aggregate to the sum of $21,966.75 and the amount of cash in their hands is $1,237.27, together amounting to the total sum of $23,204.02.
The Committee recommend that the action of the Trustees in loaning Mr. John H. Piatt $25, be ratified and approved.
Your Standing Committee recommend that $50 each be donated from the funds of the Society to Mrs. William C. DeHart and Miss Elizabeth Barber. Recommendation adopted.
The Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, met pursuant to adjournment at the Monmouth House, Spring Lake, New Jersey.
The President then made a statement in regard to the correspondence carried on by him, and also as to the papers and records of the Society and what steps he had taken to preserve them and for their safe keeping.
The Secretary also made a statement of the correspondence carried on by him for the Society.
The minutes of the previous meeting of July 4th, 1892, and February 22d, 1893, were read and approved.
The Standing Committee reported as follows: That they had appointed a committee of two (Messrs. W. C. Spencer and W. P. Barber) to audit the accounts of the late Treasurer, Mr. David P. Thomas.
That General William S. Stryker stated to your Committee that he had arranged for the placing of the bronze tablet by the Society on the Trenton Battle Monument.
On motion, it was resolved, that in the future the Treasurer shall give a bond for one thousand dollars, the expense of procuring the same to be paid by the Society.