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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

A special meeting was held at the Trenton House, Trenton, N. J., to take action in regard to the death of the late Hon. Hamilton Fish, late President General of the Society of the Cincinnati.

The meeting being called to order, and a quorum being present, announcement of the death at Garrisons, in the State of New York, on the 7th instant, of the Honorable Hamilton Fish, late President General of the Order of the Cincinnati.

The members of the Society in the State of New Jersey, desire to give expression to their sorrow at the death of their distinguished fellow member, and their appreciation of the loss the Cincinnati has thereby sustained.

It was directed that the foregoing minutes be placed upon the records of this Society, and that copies thereof be forwarded to Mr. Nicholas Fish, the Secretary General, and to the Secretaries of the other State Societies.

The Society then adjourned.

After the adjournment, the Society attended the unveiling of the Trenton Battle Monument, and the presentation by the President on behalf of the Society of a bronze tablet for the same.