The Treasurer reported that his total receipts had amounted to the sum of $1,773.08 and his disbursements to the sum of $746.33, and that there was in his hands the sum of $1,026.75.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Trustees and find the same correct. That it appears from said report that the present market value of the securities and stock of the Society amount to the aggregate sum of $22,300. That the amount of cash in their hands is $346.82, together amounting to the total sum of $22,646.82.
That they have examined and audited the accounts of the Treasurer and find the same correct. That it appears thereby that his total receipts amount to the sum of $1,773.08; his disbursements $746.33.
Your Standing Committee recommend that $150 be appropriated for donations to be divided pro rata among the following beneficiaries:
Miss Julia A. Pennington, Miss Elizabeth Barber, Miss Mary DeHart. Recommendation adopted.
It having been impossible to obtain any accommodations at Roselle, N. J. (the place fixed by the Society at its meeting of July 4th, 1891), for its next annual meeting, in accordance with arrangements made, by its President and Committee of Arrangements, the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, met at the Monmouth House, in Spring Lake, N. J.
The Society being called to order by the President (in the absence of the Chaplain), the meeting was opened with prayer by Revd. Dr. Joseph Farrand Tuttle.
The Standing Committee to whom had been specially referred, the charges against Dr. Herman Burgin, then reported as follows:
The Standing Committee in the matter of Dr. H. Burgin beg leave to report the following resolution, believing that the best interests of the Society will be thereby subserved. Resolved, that the resignation of Dr. Herman Burgin from membership in the Society be accepted upon his compliance with the agreement made by him with the Standing Committee of the Society to the satisfaction of said Committee, and that upon receipt in writing by the Secretary of notification from the Committee to that effect, he notify Dr. Burgin of such acceptance of said resignation.
On motion, it was resolved, that the report be accepted and approved, and that the said resolution be adopted. On motion, it was resolved, that the President appoint a committee of three to collect all documents pertaining to the Revolution, and if deemed advisable to publish a book containing a history of the Institution of the Cincinnati, a list of the property belonging to the Society and any other matter for training thought.
On motion, it was resolved, that the Committee of Arrangements for the next annual meeting make provisions for obtaining some prominent gentleman to make an address at the dinner on that day.
On motion, it was resolved, that the place where the next annual meeting of the Society should be held, should be left to the discretion of the Committee of Arrangements.
On motion, it was resolved, that an adjourned meeting of the Society should be held on the 22d day of February next, at such place as the Committee of Arrangements should select.
At the request of the President, General William S. Stryker made a statement in regard to the Monument in course of erection upon the battleground of Trenton.
On motion, it was resolved, that this Society order the modeling and placing in position on the Trenton Battle Monument of a historical bronze tablet with the insignia of the Society, and an inscription that it had been donated by the Society thereon, and that four hundred dollars be appropriated out of the monies of the Society to pay for the same, and that General Stryker be appointed a committee of one to attend to the same.
On motion, it was resolved, that the first minute book together with the other records and archives of the Society not necessary for present use, be deposited in the vaults of the Trenton Safe Deposit Company of Trenton, and that a list of papers and archives be prepared, and the same to be receipted for by the Secretary, said list to be presented to the Society at its next annual meeting and entered in the minutes.