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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

The President then reported verbally that the Standing Committee had no formal written report to make. But would state that Dr. Herman Burgin had presented his resignation as a Trustee of the Society, and that the Committee would recommend the acceptance of the same.

On motion, it was resolved, that the resignation of Dr. Herman Burgin, as a Trustee of the Society, be accepted.

On motion, it was resolved, that William S. Stryker be and is hereby elected and constituted one of the Trustees of the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, in the place and stead of Herman Burgin resigned, and that the proper officers of the Society be and they are hereby authorized and directed to furnish the necessary certificates of this action, to procure the transfer to the present trustees of the securities and funds belonging to the Society.

On motion, it was resolved, that whereas serious charges have been made against Doctor Herman Burgin, late Treasurer of this Society, that the same be referred to the Standing Committee to hear and examine in regard to the truth of the said charges, and that the said Committee do report thereon to this Society at its next regular meeting.

The Society then took a recess, and at the invitation of the Committee of Arrangements attended the ceremonies connected with the laying of the corner stone of the monument commemorating the battle of Trenton, after which it returned to its place of meeting and entertained at dinner a number of distinguished guests. Numerous patriotic toasts were drunk and responded to by the Governor of the State of New Jersey, the Secretary General of the Society and others.

At the invitation of the Society, the Societies of The Sons of the Revolution, and “The Sons of the American Revolution” were present during the addresses and responses to the toasts.

The Society then adjourned, after which the Society attended the meeting, and concluding ceremonies at Taylor’s Opera House, connected with the laying of the corner stone of the Trenton Battle Monument.