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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Mr. William Lloyd, Mr. John Clarke Sims, Mr. William Ballard, Hon. Henry S. Harris, Mr. Wessel T. B. S. Imlay, General William S. Stryker, Dr. Luther F. Halsey.

Delegates to the General Society

Messrs. Clifford Stanley Sims, Rev. Samuel Moore Shute, D.D., Mr. William Bowen Buck, William Chetwood Spencer, William S. Stryker.


Messrs. John Clarke Sims, John L. Cadwalader, Joseph D. Bedle, Henry S. Harris, Edward B. Grubb.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee have examined the following applications for admission to membership and recommend the same to the favorable consideration of the Society:

As Hereditary Member; Alfred Bell Howell. He was admitted.

Under the provisions of Rule No. 2.

Col. Charles Seaforth Stewart, U.S.A.; and Mr. Hamilton Markley. Rules were suspended and they were admitted.

Your Committee recommend the passage of the following resolution:

Whereas, The applications of certain gentlemen heretofore made under and subject to the provisions of Rule No. 2, have been favorably considered by this Society, subject to the compliance by said applicants with the provisions of said rule, and said applicants have not paid the amount fixed by said rule as a condition precedent to membership.

Be It Resolved, That unless said amount shall be paid by said delinquents prior to the next annual meeting of the Society the privilege of those applicants to become members by compliance with the provisions of said rule, shall cease and determine.

That the Secretary notify said delinquents of this resolution.

That your Committee has passed the following resolution in regard to application for membership under the provisions of Rule No. 2.

Resolved, in the future all applications under the provisions of Rule No. 2 shall be accompanied with the sum required by the rule to be paid as a condition precedent to membership.

Honorary Members

The names of Hon. John P. Stockton, Attorney General of New Jersey and John P. Nicholson, late Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. Vols, were presented for admission as Honorary Members. Rules being suspended they were admitted.


The Standing Committee report that it appears by the annual report of the Trustees herewith submitted that the present market value of the securities constituting the assets of the society amounts to the total sum of $21,631.42.

That they have audited and examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the same correct. It appears thereby that he has expended for sundry expenses during the past year, the sum of $885.09 and that there is now in his hands the sum of $659.59.


Your Standing Committee recommend that the sum of $50 be appropriated for donations and that it be divided pro rata among the following persons: Miss Julia Pennington and Miss Elizabeth Barber. Recommendation adopted.


Whereas, the applications of certain gentlemen heretofore made under and subject to the provisions of Rule No. 2, have been favorably considered by this Society, subject to the compliance by said applicants with the provisions of said Rule, and said applicants have not paid the amount fixed by said Rule as a condition precedent to membership.

Be it resolved, that unless said amount shall be paid by said delinquents prior to the next annual meeting of the Society, the privilege of those applicants to become members by compliance with the provisions of said rule, shall cease and determine.

That the Secretary notify said delinquents of this resolution.

That your Committee has passed the following resolution in regard to applications for membership under the provision of Rule No. 2:

Resolved, in the future all applications under the provisions of Rule No. 2 shall be accompanied with the sum required by the rule, to be paid as a condition precedent to membership. Approved.

On motion, it was resolved, that the thanks of this Society be given to General Edward B. Grubb for his hospitable and courteous invitation to hold the next meeting at his residence, Edgewater Park, New Jersey, with regrets that this Society consider it impossible to accept the same.

On motion, it was resolved, that a recess be now taken to hear an article written by Dr. Luther F. Halsey on the medical men of the Revolution.

Dr. Luther F. Halsey then read a summary of the article written by him, and presented the same to the Society.

On motion, it was resolved, that the article so ably prepared by Dr. Luther F. Halsey on the medical men of the Revolution, and presented by him to the Society, he accepted with the thanks of the Society, and that not exceeding two hundred copies be printed for distribution among the members and others.

A recess was then taken by the Society until 2 P. M., at which time it entertained a number of invited guests, and the usual patriotic toasts were drunk and responded to.

On motion, it was resolved, that the Committee of Arrangements be authorized and directed to ascertain if suitable accommodations can be had for a meeting and dinner on the 22d day of February next, and that if the same be found practicable, that the President shall call such adjourned meeting.