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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

The meeting was called to order by the President, and the Chaplain being absent, the usual prayer was omitted.

The President then stated that nothing of sufficient importance had occurred since the last meeting to necessitate calling a meeting of the Standing Committee, and that it had no report to make.

The President then made a verbal report that the funds and securities in the hands of the Trustees amounted to upwards of $21,000.

The President further reported that he had made inquiry in regard to the papers, archives and records of the Society formerly in the custody of Mr. Francis Barber Ogden, its late Secretary and stated that five original orations delivered before the Society and the first book of Minutes of the Society were in his possession, and that he had provided for having made three typewritten copies of said minutes. That the tin box containing other papers, archives and records of the Society was in possession of the Treasurer Dr. Burgin.

On motion, it was resolved, that the action of the President in directing three (3) copies of the first book of original minutes to be made, be approved; on motion, it was resolved, that a sufficient number of copies of the original orations delivered before the Society and the first book of minutes of the Society be printed for distribution among the members and others, upon the receipt of subscriptions from the members for an amount sufficient to defray the costs of such printing.

On motion, it was resolved, that a Committee be appointed to examine and take inventory of the papers, archives and records of the Society and make a list of the same, and report the result to the Society.

The President appointed General William S. Stryker and Mr. William C. Spencer as such committee.

The President stated, that it was with sincere regret that he announced that since its last meeting the Society had lost by death the following members:

Mr. Francis Barber Ogden, its Secretary,
Mr. Robert Morris Boggs.
Mr. James Robinson Walker,
and also the death of the Hon. Samuel Crocker Cobb, President of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Massachusetts.

The Assistant Secretary reported that he had mailed copies of the resolution passed at the last meeting of the Society in regard to applications for membership under the provisions of Rule 2, who had failed to pay the amount fixed by said rule as a condition precedent to membership to said delinquents, but had received no response from any one of them.

An election was then held to fill the vacancy in the office of Secretary, caused by the death of Mr. Francis Barber Ogden.

The rule being suspended by unanimous consent Mr. William C. Spencer was elected Secretary of the Society.

An election was then held to fill the vacancy in the office of Assistant Secretary by reason of the election of that officer as Secretary.

The rules being suspended by unanimous consent Mr. William P. Barber was elected Assistant Secretary of the Society.

In the evening of the same day the Society entertained at dinner a number of distinguished guests among whom was the Governor of New Jersey, and the usual patriotic toasts were drunk and responded to. During the dinner on motion of Hon. William J. Sewell, it was resolved that General William S. Stryker telegraph to Hon. Levi P. Morton, Vice-President of the United States and President of the Senate, and the Hon. Thomas B. Reed, Speaker of the House of Representatives, on behalf of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, requesting and urging that the Congress of the United States do pass the amendment to the bill appropriating the balance necessary for the erection of the battle monument on the battlefield at Trenton.